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Created March 30, 2014 08:43
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Clojureでランダムな文字列を生成してみる ref:
user=> (range-size 50 5)
(50 51 52 53 54)
user=> (rand-str 20)
user=> (rand-str 20 "abc")
(defn range-size
([start size] (range-size start size 1))
([start size step]
{:pre[(integer? size)]}
(take size (range start (+ start (* size step)) step))))
(defn rand-str
([n] (rand-str n (mapcat #(apply range-size %) [[48 10] [65 26] [97 26]])))
([n charseq] (apply str (map char (repeatedly n #(rand-nth charseq))))))
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