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Last active January 26, 2016 02:05
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【Amazon Product Adverstising API】ASINからパッケージ寸法を取得するクラス
namespace Acme;
class ItemLookup implements \IteratorAggregate
private $items;
private $item;
public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $response)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($response->Error->Message);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unexpected Error");
$this->items = $response->Items;
public function getRequest()
return $this->items->Request;
public function isValid()
return ($this->getRequest()->IsValid == "True") ? true : false;
public function getError()
return $this->getRequest()->Errors;
public function getIterator()
foreach($this->items->Item as $item)
yield $this->item = $item;
public function getWeight()
return 0;
return sprintf("%.2f", $this->item->ItemAttributes->PackageDimensions->Weight / 100 * 0.4536 * 1000);
public function getWidth()
return 0;
return sprintf("%.2f", $this->item->ItemAttributes->PackageDimensions->Width / 100 * 2.54);
public function getHeight()
return 0;
return sprintf("%.2f", $this->item->ItemAttributes->PackageDimensions->Height / 100 * 2.54);
public function getLength()
return 0;
return sprintf("%.2f", $this->item->ItemAttributes->PackageDimensions->Length / 100 * 2.54);
public function getAsin()
return (string) $this->item->ASIN;
public function getBrowsenodes()
return $this->item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode;
public function getTitle()
return (string) $this->item->ItemAttributes->Title;
public function getSalesRank()
return (string) $this->item->SalesRank;
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