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Last active May 24, 2022 10:56
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F26: Fix for small tray icons in KDE Plasma
The following worked great for me. I like iconSize=2 for my desktop.
There has been some discussion about the systray icon size. The following fixed it for me…
Edit the file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
After every line that commences extraItems= add another line iconSize=3
After a reboot the icons should have a much higher limit of size when adjusting the height of the panel.
Hope this helps.
Solution! 34
PLUS: Instead of restarting the computer, restart the plasma with the command:
killall plasmashell && kstart plasmashell
TIP: Do not open the “~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc” file as root/sudo!
>>> The following may help or not <<<
[kurtis@xps15 env] $ mkdir -p .config/plasma-workspace/env
[kurtis@xps15 env] $ cd .config/plasma-workspace/env/
[kurtis@xps15 env] $ cat
export GDK_SCALE=2
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5
export XCURSOR_SIZE=48
exit 0
chmod +x
>>> The following no longer works in Fedora 28 <<<
During the fresh install of Fedora 26 on my Dell XPS 15 (9560), I ran into small tray icons in the KDE tray. I fixed this when I had Fedora 25 on my laptop but I needed the fix again.
Googling found me this post in and Arch Linux Forum that fixed the icons.
Here is the fix from the above post:
Over the last couple of updates to KDE/Plasma the system tray icons have defaulted to a very small size. Since there is nothing in "System Tray Settings" about icon size I have been stuck with tiny icons. However, I have found the solution in a forum posting at KaOS:
In summary, the fix is to change one number in one xml file.
Edit the following file:
line 49
<entry name="iconSize" type="Int">
<label>Default icon size for the systray icons, it's an enum which values mean, Small, SmallMedium, Medium, Large, Huge, Enormous respectively. On low DPI systems they correspond to 16, 22, 32, 48, 64, 128 pixels. On high DPI systems those values would be scaled up, depending on the DPI.</label>
Change <default> which on my system, with plasma-desktop-5.8.1-1, is "1" or Small. I changed it to "2" or SmallMedium and my icons are now the proper size.
Logout of KDE and login again to effect the change.
I changed the default value to the value 2. Logging out and then back into my KDE session verified the tray icons are much more readable.
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