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Created June 5, 2017 03:34
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Adding launcher to Gnome destop
I finally had a pressing need to create my own custom launcher in Gnome. I did not know how to do this but I found numerous examples
on the Internet. Here is a brief description of how I added a launcher for seamonkey edito. The file below is in /home/kurtis/Desktop.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Seamonkey Composer
Exec=/home/kurtis/bin/seamonkey/seamonkey -editor "/home/kurtis/dev/html/KWRNewTab.html"
# Icon=[icon file [optional]]
Notice that I passed a file to the seamonkey program. This HTML file represents my essential URLs and I have a copy on every
I also copied the above file to /usr/share/applications directory.
sudo cp Desktop/seamonkey-editor.desktop /usr/share/applications/.
Copy link

Another solution:

  1. Install alacate
  2. Create new launcher in Main menu (I chose Other)
  3. Fill in all the fields but for the command enter: seamoney
    Putting in the parameter -editor /home/kurtis/dev/html/KWRNewTab.html will not let you save the entry.
  4. Use this icon: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/seamonkey.png
  5. Click OK and then close alacarte.
  6. Edit the file: ~/.local/share/applications/alacarte-made.desktop
    and add the parameters: -editor /home/kurtis/dev/html/KWRNewTab.html
    to the Exec= line.

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