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Created July 25, 2020 21:45
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Easy Google Calendar Room Reservation System - No Coding Required - Google Apps Script for Video Tutorial
// Reservation Application
// Kurt Kaiser
// CC0 / Public Domain
// Tutorial:
// Declare global variables
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
var letters = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"];
// -------- Sidebar HTML Setup Functions --------
// Calendar Variables
var calendars = CalendarApp.getAllOwnedCalendars();
// As the spreadsheet opens add a menu
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Reservation App')
.addItem('Show Sidebar ', 'showFormSidebar')
function showFormSidebar() {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Form')
.setTitle('Application Control')
function getAllHeaders(){
var allItems = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, lastColumn).getValues();
return createDropMenu(allItems);
// Get first row of spreadsheet, return to html for drop menu
function createDropMenu(allItems){
var drop = "";
for (let i = 0; i < lastColumn; i++){
drop += '<option value="' + i + '">' + getLetter(i) + allItems[0][i] + '</option>';
return drop;
// Get all of your account calendars, return to html for drop menu
function getCalendars(){
var drop = "";
for (let i = 0; i < calendars.length; i++){
drop += '<option value="' + i + '">' + calendars[i].getName() + '</option>';
if(calendars[i].getId() == scriptProperties.getProperty('calId')){
scriptProperties.setProperty('calendarIndex', i);
return drop;
// Returns array of saved properties, start date column, client name column, etc
// This is used to populate the sidebar with previously saved data
function getSavedPropsForSidebar() {
var propertiesAndKeys = {}
var data = scriptProperties.getProperties();
for (var key in data) {
propertiesAndKeys[key] = scriptProperties.getProperty(key);
return propertiesAndKeys;
// Get column letters, check if two letters needed, past z of columns
function getLetter(index){
var temp = letters[index] + ': ';
if(index > 25) {
// Double letter name
temp = letters[Math.floor(index/26)-1] + letters[index%26]+': ';
// If you have over 702 columns, into triple letter names ACP, blank
if (index > 702) temp = "";
return temp;
// -------- Save Submitted Sidebar Data --------
// User clicked submit, save all info to properties
function saveSidebar(sideData) {
scriptProperties.setProperty('startIndex', sideData.startDate);
scriptProperties.setProperty('endIndex', sideData.endDate);
scriptProperties.setProperty('clientNameIndex', sideData.clientName);
scriptProperties.setProperty('clientEmailIndex', sideData.clientEmail);
scriptProperties.setProperty('reservedMsg', sideData.reservedMsg);
scriptProperties.setProperty('conflictMsg', sideData.conflictMsg);
scriptProperties.setProperty('calendarIndex', sideData.calIndex);
scriptProperties.setProperty('calId', calendars[sideData.calIndex].getId());
// -------- Client Submits Form / Booking Request --------
// Runs automatically once Form is submitted for a potential booking
function onFormSubmission(){
lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var entireRow = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 1, 1, lastColumn);
// Get all info from the spreadsheet row (last) that was just submitted
var allValues = entireRow.getValues();
allValues = allValues[0];
// Create object to store potential booking data
var submission = {
start: new Date(allValues[scriptProperties.getProperty('startIndex')]),
end: new Date(allValues[scriptProperties.getProperty('endIndex')]),
clientName: allValues[scriptProperties.getProperty('clientNameIndex')],
clientEmail: allValues[scriptProperties.getProperty('clientEmailIndex')],
emailMsg: "Request recieved.", //placeholder message
calendar: CalendarApp.getCalendarById(scriptProperties.getProperty('calId')),
status: "Recieved", //placeholder message
lastColumn: allValues.filter(String).length + 1
// Check if the requested days are available
function checkDates(submission){
var conflict = submission.calendar.getEvents(submission.start, submission.end);
// If conflicts < 1, no bookings, start reservation process
if(conflict.length < 1){
} else {
sheet.getRange(lastRow, submission.lastColumn).setValue('Conflict');
submission.emailMsg = scriptProperties.getProperty('conflictMsg');
submission.status = "Conflict";
// Days are aviable, create the calendar event
function reserveDays(submission){
var event = submission.calendar.createEvent
(submission.clientName, submission.start, submission.end);
// if event is successfully created...
sheet.getRange(lastRow, submission.lastColumn).setValue('Reserved');
submission.emailMsg = scriptProperties.getProperty('reservedMsg');
submission.status = "Confirmed";
} else {
// Else there has been an error
sheet.getRange(lastRow, submission.lastColumn).setValue('Issue');
// Send the email notification of reservation status
function emailSend(submission) {
var testing = " ";
if(new Date() < new Date(2020, 06, 01)) testing += Math.random();
var htmlEmail = getHtmlFile(submission);
to: submission.clientEmail,
subject: "Reservation " + submission.status + testing,
htmlBody: htmlEmail
// Uses the Email.html file and our data to create an email object
function getHtmlFile(submission){
var startStr = (submission.start.getMonth()+1) + '/' +
submission.start.getDate() + '/' + (submission.start.getYear() + 1900);
var endStr = (submission.end.getMonth()+1) + '/' +
submission.end.getDate() + '/' + (submission.end.getYear()+ 1900);
var htmlEmail = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Email');
htmlEmail.messageTitle = submission.status;
htmlEmail.messageBody = submission.emailMsg;
htmlEmail.startDate = startStr;
htmlEmail.endDate = endStr;
htmlEmail.clientName = submission.clientName;
htmlEmail = htmlEmail.evaluate();
htmlEmail = htmlEmail.getContent();
return htmlEmail;
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