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Created August 17, 2018 01:23
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In this assignment I was asked to print out all possible combinations of each element in a 2D array. The assignment asked for a recursive program, first I solved it traditionally, then morphed that into the recursive program the assignment required.
Kurt Kaiser
CTIM 168
Homework: Recursive Array Combining
Chapter 11 Practice Problem 7
// Solved using a standard looping approach
public class ArrayCombinations
// Count every element in the array
// Get length of each internal array, output to int array
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] jaggedArray = {{"A","B"}, {"1","2"}, {"XX","YY","ZZ"}};
// Row lengths will count all elements up until the end of that row, starting at 0
int[] rowLengths = new int[jaggedArray.length];
int totalJaggedCombos = 1;
int jaggedArrayLength = jaggedArray.length;
for (int i = jaggedArrayLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
rowLengths[i] = totalJaggedCombos;
System.out.println("all: " + rowLengths[i]);
totalJaggedCombos *= jaggedArray[i].length;
if (totalJaggedCombos <= 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Empty object in in multi-dimensional array");
/* Find correct row column using remainder operator
Combination #11, combo count starts at 0
rowLengths: 2, 2, 3
11 % 3 = 2 last element of line
11 / 3 % 2 = 3 % 2 = 1 middle element
11 / 3 / 2 % 2 = 1 % 2 = 1 first element
for (int countJaggedElements = 0; countJaggedElements < totalJaggedCombos;
countJaggedElements++) {
for (int count = 0; count < jaggedArrayLength; count++) {
int jaggedDivRow = countJaggedElements / rowLengths[count];
jaggedDivRow = jaggedDivRow % jaggedArray[count].length;
if (count != 0)
System.out.print(' ');
Kurt Kaiser
CTIM 168
Homework: Recursive Array Combining
Chapter 11 Practice Problem 7
// Solved using a recursive method, what the assignment required
public class ArrayCombos
/* Find correct row column using remainder operator
Combination #11, combo count starts at 0
rowLengths: 2, 2, 3
11 % 3 = 2 last element of line
11 / 3 % 2 = 3 % 2 = 1 middle element
11 / 3 / 2 % 2 = 1 % 2 = 1 first element
static void printCombinations(String[][] jaggedArray, int[]allLengths, int[]counts){
// Count up to the number of combos in an array
int countCombos = counts[0];
int countArrayLength = counts[1];
if(countCombos < allLengths[jaggedArray.length] ){
if(counts[1] < jaggedArray.length) {
int jaggedDivRow = countCombos / allLengths[countArrayLength];
int counter = countArrayLength;
jaggedDivRow = jaggedDivRow % jaggedArray[counter].length;
if (counts[1] != 0) System.out.print(" ");
} else {
countArrayLength = 0;
} else {
counts[0] = countCombos;
counts[1] = countArrayLength;
printCombinations(jaggedArray, allLengths,counts);
// Count every element in the array
// Get length of each internal array, output to int array
public static int[] getLengths (String[][] jaggedArray){
/* allLengths lengths will count all elements up until the end of that row, starting at 0
the last number of the array is the total number of combinations possible*/
int[] allLengths = new int[jaggedArray.length + 2];
int jaggedArrayLength = jaggedArray.length;
int totalCombinations = 1;
// First element in int array is total count of combinations of elements
allLengths[0] = 1;
for (int i = jaggedArrayLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
allLengths[i] = totalCombinations;
totalCombinations *= jaggedArray[i].length;
System.out.println("all: " + allLengths[i]);
if (allLengths[i] <= 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Empty object in in multi-dimensional array");
allLengths[jaggedArrayLength] = totalCombinations;
return allLengths;
// Go main! Go!
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] jaggedArray = {{"A","B"},
int[] allLengths = getLengths(jaggedArray);
int[] counts = {0, 0};
printCombinations(jaggedArray, allLengths, counts);
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