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Created May 30, 2014 00:24
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wp-cli warnings
$ php behat.phar features/theme.feature
Feature: Manage WordPress themes
Scenario: Installing and deleting theme # features/theme.feature:3
Given a WP install # features/steps/given.php:40
When I run `wp theme install p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
$ wp theme install p2
Installing P2 (1.5.3)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf713f7561.34580179/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf713f7561.34580179/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf713f7561.34580179/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf713f7561.34580179/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
cwd: /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf713f7561.34580179
exit status: 0
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme status p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Theme p2 details:
Name: P2
When I run `wp theme path p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
When I run `wp option get stylesheet` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then save STDOUT as {PREVIOUS_THEME} # features/steps/given.php:91
When I run `wp theme activate p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Switched to 'P2' theme.
When I try `wp theme delete p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDERR should be: # features/steps/then.php:15
Warning: Can't delete the currently active theme: p2
And STDOUT should be empty # features/steps/then.php:108
When I run `wp theme activate {PREVIOUS_THEME}` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme delete p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I try the previous command again # features/steps/when.php:31
Then STDERR should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
The 'p2' theme could not be found.
When I run `wp theme list` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
Scenario: Install a theme, activate, then force install an older version of the theme # features/theme.feature:53
Given a WP install # features/steps/given.php:40
When I run `wp theme install p2 --version=1.4.2` # features/steps/when.php:17
$ wp theme install p2 --version=1.4.2
Installing P2 (1.4.2)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf735facb1.25696624/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf735facb1.25696624/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf735facb1.25696624/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf735facb1.25696624/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
cwd: /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf735facb1.25696624
exit status: 0
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme list` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows: # features/steps/then.php:35
| name | status | update | version |
| p2 | inactive | available | 1.4.2 |
When I run `wp theme activate p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme install p2 --version=1.4.1 --force` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme list` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows: # features/steps/then.php:35
| name | status | update | version |
| p2 | active | available | 1.4.1 |
Scenario: Get the path of an installed theme # features/theme.feature:75
Given a WP install # features/steps/given.php:40
When I run `wp theme install p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
$ wp theme install p2
Installing P2 (1.5.3)
Downloading install package from
Using cached file '/tmp/wp-cli-test-suite-cache-5387cf713862c9.41641373/theme/'...
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf7599d3d4.43612968/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf7599d3d4.43612968/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf7599d3d4.43612968/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf7599d3d4.43612968/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
cwd: /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf7599d3d4.43612968
exit status: 0
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I run `wp theme path p2 --dir` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Scenario: Enabling and disabling a theme # features/theme.feature:87
Given a WP multisite install # features/steps/given.php:52
When I run `wp theme install p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
$ wp theme install p2
Installing P2 (1.5.3)
Downloading install package from
Using cached file '/tmp/wp-cli-test-suite-cache-5387cf713862c9.41641373/theme/'...
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf774407b4.52505605/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf774407b4.52505605/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf774407b4.52505605/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf774407b4.52505605/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 622
cwd: /tmp/wp-cli-test-run-5387cf774407b4.52505605
exit status: 0
Then STDOUT should not be empty # features/steps/then.php:116
When I try `wp option get allowedthemes` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then the return code should be 1 # features/steps/then.php:7
And STDERR should be empty # features/steps/then.php:108
When I run `wp theme enable p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Enabled the 'P2' theme.
When I run `wp option get allowedthemes` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
'p2' => true
When I run `wp theme disable p2` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Disabled the 'P2' theme.
When I run `wp option get allowedthemes` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
'p2' => true
When I run `wp theme enable p2 --activate` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Enabled the 'P2' theme.
Success: Switched to 'P2' theme.
When I run `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should not contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
'p2' => true
When I run `wp theme enable p2 --network` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Network enabled the 'P2' theme.
When I run `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
'p2' => true
When I run `wp theme disable p2 --network` # features/steps/when.php:17
Then STDOUT should contain: # features/steps/then.php:15
Success: Network disabled the 'P2' theme.
When I run `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
'p2' => true
Scenario: Enabling and disabling a theme without multisite
Given a WP install
When I try `wp theme enable p2`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: This is not a multisite install.
When I try `wp theme disable p2`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: This is not a multisite install.
5 scenarios (1 passed, 4 failed)
69 steps (9 passed, 56 skipped, 4 failed)
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