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Last active April 10, 2024 17:29
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Find out how much you have spent on Counter-Strike keys
// Open and make sure you are logged in to Steam.
// Scroll to the bottom and load all history.
// Open your browsers console (Ctrl + Shift + J on Chrome or Ctrl + Shift + K on Firefox)
// and paste all of this code (select all) in the text box (bottom) and hit enter
// If you get an error from the script you likely aren't running a modern browser
// you can paste the code here and copy the output and run that.
(() => {
const HISTORY_URL = '';
// English and Cyrillic alphabet
const CURRENCY_REGEXP = /([A-Za-z\u0400-\u04FF]+)?([^0-9]{1})?([0-9.]+)([A-Za-z€¥\$£\u0400-\u04FF\.]+)?/;
// USD must be first
const CURRENCY_MAP = [
name: 'USD',
rateToUSD: 1,
symbolPrefix: '$',
symbolSuffix: '',
a: undefined,
b: '$',
c: 'USD',
name: 'AUD',
rateToUSD: 0.68,
symbolPrefix: '$',
symbolSuffix: '',
a: 'A',
b: '$',
c: undefined,
name: 'Euro',
rateToUSD: 1.1,
symbolPrefix: '',
symbolSuffix: '€',
a: undefined,
b: undefined,
c: '€',
name: 'Pound',
rateToUSD: 1.22,
symbolPrefix: '£',
symbolSuffix: '',
a: undefined,
b: '£',
c: undefined,
name: 'Yen',
rateToUSD: 0.0094,
symbolPrefix: '¥',
symbolSuffix: '',
a: undefined,
b: '¥',
c: undefined,
name: 'Ruble',
rateToUSD: 0.0152442,
symbolPrefix: '',
symbolSuffix: 'pуб.',
a: undefined,
b: undefined,
c: 'pуб.',
const normalizeCurrency = (str) => {
str = str.trim();
// Remove whitespace
str = str.replace(/\s/g, '');
// Some amounts have dashes for cents? i.e.: 350,--€
str = str.replace(/-/g, '0');
// Replace decimal point comma with .
str = str.replace(/,([0-9]{2}($|[A-Za-z€¥\$£\u0400-\u04FF]).*)/, '.$1');
// Remove commas
str = str.replace(',', '');
const match = str.match(CURRENCY_REGEXP);
if (match) {
return {
amount: +match[3],
a: match[1],
b: match[2],
c: match[4]
return null;
if (window.location.href !== HISTORY_URL) {
alert(`Redirecting you to the correct page, you will need to run the script again.`);
return window.location.href = HISTORY_URL;
if (document.querySelector('#load_more_button').style.display !== 'none') {
return alert(`Scroll to the bottom and click Load More until all results have loaded.`);
const trs = document.querySelectorAll('table.wallet_history_table > tbody > tr');
let unsupportedCurrency = {};
let localCurrencyIndex = undefined;
let keys = 0;
let cost = 0;
if (trs) {
[...trs].forEach((tr) => {
const divs = tr.querySelectorAll('td.wht_items > div');
if (divs && divs[0] && divs[1]) {
const game = divs[0].innerHTML.trim();
const items = divs[1].innerHTML.trim();
if (game === 'Counter-Strike 2') {
if (items.indexOf('Key') > -1) {
const price = tr.querySelector('td.wht_total');
if (price) {
const amountSplit = normalizeCurrency(price.innerHTML);
if (amountSplit) {
let currencyFound = false;
CURRENCY_MAP.forEach(({name, rateToUSD, a, b, c}, index) => {
if (amountSplit.a === a && amountSplit.b === b && amountSplit.c === c) {
currencyFound = true;
if (typeof localCurrencyIndex === 'undefined' && name !== 'USD') {
localCurrencyIndex = index;
cost += amountSplit.amount * rateToUSD;
if (!currencyFound) {
// Fallback for US users that have only ever bought with USD and no other currency
if (amountSplit.b === '$' && amountSplit.a === undefined && amountSplit.c === undefined) {
currencyFound = true;
cost += amountSplit.amount;
if (!currencyFound) {
const currencyKey = (amountSplit.a || '') + ',' + (amountSplit.b || '') + ',' + (amountSplit.c || '');
if (!unsupportedCurrency[currencyKey]) {
unsupportedCurrency[currencyKey] = {
a: amountSplit.a + '',
b: amountSplit.b + '',
c: amountSplit.c + '',
example: price.innerHTML.trim()
console.warn(`Unknown currency "${(amountSplit.a || '') + (amountSplit.b || '') + (amountSplit.c || '')}"`);
} else {
console.warn(`Couldn't find price for ${items}`);
} else {
console.warn(`Couldn't find price for ${items}`);
const match = items.match(/^([0-9]+)\s/);
if (match) {
keys += +match[1];
} else {
keys += 1;
if (typeof localCurrencyIndex === 'undefined') {
localCurrencyIndex = 0;
window.alert(`You bought ${keys} keys costing ${CURRENCY_MAP[localCurrencyIndex].symbolPrefix}${(cost * (1/CURRENCY_MAP[localCurrencyIndex].rateToUSD)).toFixed(2)}${CURRENCY_MAP[localCurrencyIndex].symbolSuffix} ${CURRENCY_MAP[localCurrencyIndex].name}.`);
if (Object.keys(unsupportedCurrency).length > 0) {
window.prompt(`Unsupported currency. Copy the text below and send to developer!`, JSON.stringify(unsupportedCurrency));
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