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Last active July 30, 2018 10:44
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The Giant Data Science TED Talks List

The Giant Data Science TED Talks List

A note about opinionated curation...

Please note, I'm aware many of these videos could be in other categories but I had to make a call around which area of data science is best presented in each talk.

Statistics and education

Why we're so bad at statistics - Alan Smith

Teach statistics before calculus! - Arthur Benjamin

How not to be ignorant about the world - Hans and Ola Rosling

How juries are fooled by statistics - Peter Donnelly

Good, Bad, and Ugly Data Analysis

Lies, damned lies, and statistics - Sebastian Wernicke

3 ways to spot a bad statistic - Mona Chalabi

The era of blind faith in big data must end - Cathy O'Neil

The best stats you've ever seen - Hans Rosling

Why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime - Anne Milgram

Battling bad science - Ben Goldacre

Is life really that complex? - Hannah Fry

Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? - David Epstein

The math behind basketball's wildest moves - Rajiv Maheswaran

The hidden influence of social networks - Nicholas Christakis

Surprising stats about child carseats - Steven Levitt

The mathematics of love - Hannah Fry

Global population growth, box by box - Hans Rosling

The nightmare videos of children's YouTube — and what's wrong with the internet today - James Bridle

Collecting and sharing data

How to train employees to have difficult conversations - Tamekia Mizladi Smith

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness - Robert Waldinger

How we found the worst place to park in New York City — using big data - Ben Wellington

General AI, Big Data, and Robotics talks

What AI is — and isn't - Sebastian Thrun and Chris Anderson

Why we will rely on robots - Rodney Brooks

Big data is better data - Kenneth Cukier

How data will transform business - Philip Evans

Politics and Economics

The jobs we'll lose to machines and the ones we won't - Anthony Goldbloom

The wonderful and terrifying implication of computers that can learn - Jeremy Howard

How AI can bring on a second industrial revolution - Kevin Kelly

Will automation take away all our jobs - David Autor

Demand a more open source government - Beth Novell

The key to growth? Race with the machines - Erik Brynjolfsson

Does racism affect how you vote? - Nate Silver

My battle to expose government corruption - Heather Brooke

How the NSA betrayed the world's trust - time to act

Who controls the world? - James B Glattfelder

Ethics, Philosophy, & Regulation

Can we build AI without losing control over it? - Sam Harris

What happens when our computers get smarter than we are - Nick Bostrom

Machine intelligence makes human morals more important - Zeynep Tufekci

The human insights missing from big data - Tricia Wang

What so we do with all this big data - Susan Etlinger

How I hacked online dating - Amy Webb

Your social media "likes" expose more than you think - Jennifer Golbeck

How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin

Your phone company is watching you - Malte Spitz

Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves) - Del Harvey

What moral decisions should driverless cars make? - Iyad Rahwan

Why we need to imagine different futures - Anab Jain

Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all - Ken Jennings

How to get empowered, not overpowered, by AI - Max Tegmark

Don't fear superintelligence - Grady Booch

Development Economics

Your company's data could help end world hunger - Mallory Soldner

Where's Google going next? - Larry Page

What if we eliminated one of the world's oldest diseases - Caroline Harper

How open data is changing international aid - Sanjay Pradhan

Social experiments to fight poverty - Esther Duflo

New insights on poverty - Hans Rosling

Insights on HIV, in stunning data visuals - Hans Rosling

Genomics and Healthcare

How we study the microbes living in your gut - Dan Knights

The big idea my brother inspired - Jamie Heywood

A new way to monitor vital signs that can see through walls - Dina Katabi

Welcome to the genomic revolution - Richard Resnick

How to read the genome and build a human being - Riccardo Sabatini

How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease - Pratik Shah

A test for parkinson's with a phone call - Max Little

Data Visualisation

The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless

Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data - Aaron Koblin

Turning powerful stats into art - Chris Jordan

Art made of storms - Nathalie Miebach

How I built an information time machine - Frederic Kaplan

Every piece of art you've ever wanted to see — up close and searchable

Social maps that reveal a city's intersections — and separations - Dave Troy

What's the next window into our universe? - Andrew Conolly

Computer Vision and Augmented Reality

How your pictures can help reclaim lost history - Chance Coughenour

The birth of a word - Deb Roy

How augemented reality will change sports and build empathy - Chris Kluwe

How we're teaching computers to understand pictures - Fei Fei Li

This app knows how you feel — from the look on your face - Rana el Kaliouby

What does a block hole look like - Katie Bouman

How computers learn to recognize objects instantly - Jospesh Redmon

How PhotoSynth can connect the world's images - Blaise Agüera

Fake videos of real people — and how to spot them - Supasorn Suwajanakorn

Human-Computer Symbiosis

The quantified self - Gary Wolf

Art that looks back at you - Golan Levin

The rise of human computer cooperation - Shyam Sanker

Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them - Gary Kasparov

Making a car for blind drivers - Dennis Hong

Get ready for hybrid thinking - Ray Kurzweil

How AI can enhance our memory, work and social lives - Tom Gruber


All your devices can be hacked - Avi Rubin

The case for anonymity online - Christopher "m00t" Poole

How to fool a GPS - Todd Humphreys

Self-driving cars, driverless cars, autonomous vehicles, and IoT

If cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable - Jennifer Healey

Google's driverless car - Sebastian Thrun

The future race car — 150mph, and no driver - Chris Gerdes

How a driverless car sees the road - Chris Urmson

A future beyond traffic gridlock - Bill Ford

What a driverless world could look like - Wanis Kabbaj

How autonomous flying taxis could change the way you travel - Rodin Lyasoff

A mini robot, powered by your phone - Keller Rinaudo

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