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Last active July 13, 2016 08:53
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Author : Kushal Vyas
Code for template matching as implemented by opencv.
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "iostream"
#include "cmath"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(){
cout<<"Template matching \n";
Mat tImage, aImage, aCopy;
tImage = imread("tempCrop.jpg",0);
aImage = imread("temA1.jpg",0);
aCopy = imread("temA1.jpg");
// performing template matching using SAD method
Size Tsize, Isize ;
Tsize = tImage.size();
Isize = aImage.size();
long int minSAD = 999999999999, SAD=0;
int xloc=0, yloc=0, sadloc=0;
// loop through the actual image
int a_i, a_j;
for (a_i =0; a_i < Isize.height - Tsize.height; a_i++){
for (a_j=0; a_j < Isize.width - Tsize.width; a_j++){
SAD = 0;
// check every pixel of actual image with the template image
// loop through the template image
for(int t_j=0; t_j < Tsize.width; t_j++){
for(int t_i=0; t_i < Tsize.height; t_i++){
uchar aT =<uchar>( a_i+t_i, a_j+t_j );
uchar tT =<uchar>(t_i, t_j);
SAD += pow(abs(int(aT) - int(tT)),2);
// cout <<"SASD sis "<<SAD<<endl;
// save the best found position
if(minSAD > SAD ){
cout <<" SAD "<< SAD<<endl;
minSAD = SAD;
yloc = a_i;
xloc = a_j;
sadloc = SAD;
cout<<"Template size"<<Tsize<<endl;
cout<<"Image size"<<Isize<<endl;
cout<<a_i<<" "<<a_j<<endl;
cout<<xloc<<","<<yloc<<" SAD is "<<sadloc<<endl;
// create a rectangle to demarkate the region
rectangle(aCopy, Point(xloc, yloc), Point(xloc+Tsize.width, yloc+Tsize.height), Scalar(0,0,255), 2);
// imshow("Template image", tImage);
imshow("Actual image", aImage);
imshow("Matched Image", aCopy);
return 0;
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