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Created July 19, 2016 18:20
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import cv2
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
import argparse
from helpers import *
class BOV:
def __init__(self, no_clusters):
self.no_clusters = no_clusters
self.train_path = None
self.test_path = None
self.im_helper = ImageHelpers()
self.bov_helper = BOVHelpers(no_clusters)
self.file_helper = FileHelpers()
self.images = None
self.trainImageCount = 0
self.train_labels = np.array([])
self.name_dict = {}
self.descriptor_list = []
def trainModel(self):
This method contains the entire module
required for training the bag of visual words model
Use of helper functions will be extensive.
# read file. prepare file lists.
self.images, self.trainImageCount = self.file_helper.getFiles(self.train_path)
# extract SIFT Features from each image
label_count = 0
for word, imlist in self.images.iteritems():
self.name_dict[str(label_count)] = word
print "Computing Features for ", word
for im in imlist:
# cv2.imshow("im", im)
# cv2.waitKey()
self.train_labels = np.append(self.train_labels, label_count)
kp, des = self.im_helper.features(im)
label_count += 1
# perform clustering
bov_descriptor_stack = self.bov_helper.formatND(self.descriptor_list)
self.bov_helper.developVocabulary(n_images = self.trainImageCount, descriptor_list=self.descriptor_list)
# show vocabulary trained
def recognize(self,test_img, test_image_path=None):
This method recognizes a single image
It can be utilized individually as well.
kp, des = self.im_helper.features(test_img)
# generate vocab for test image
vocab = np.array( [ 0 for i in range(self.no_clusters)])
# locate nearest clusters for each of
# the visual word (feature) present in the image
# test_ret =<> return of kmeans nearest clusters for N features
test_ret = self.bov_helper.kmeans_obj.predict(des)
for each in test_ret:
vocab[each] += 1
# Scale the features
vocab = self.bov_helper.scale.transform(vocab)
# predict the class of the image
lb = self.bov_helper.clf.predict(vocab)
# print "Image belongs to class : ", self.name_dict[str(int(lb[0]))]
return lb
def testModel(self):
This method is to test the trained classifier
read all images from testing path
use BOVHelpers.predict() function to obtain classes of each image
self.testImages, self.testImageCount = self.file_helper.getFiles(self.test_path)
predictions = []
for word, imlist in self.testImages.iteritems():
print "processing " ,word
for im in imlist:
cl = self.recognize(im)
print predictions
for each in predictions:
cv2.imshow(each['object_name'], each['image'])
def print_vars(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse cmd args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=" Bag of visual words example"
parser.add_argument('--train_path', action="store", dest="train_path", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--test_path', action="store", dest="test_path", required=True)
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
# print args
bov = BOV(no_clusters=50)
# set training paths
bov.train_path = args['train_path']
# set testing paths
bov.test_path = args['test_path']
# train the model
# test model
# bov.testModel()
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