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Created August 26, 2024 10:37
# A config for the Development Network which is supposed to serve needs of protocol-breaking changes testing.
ergo {
networkType = "devnet"
node {
mining = true
offlineGeneration = true
useExternalMiner = false
chain {
protocolVersion = 4 # 6.0 soft-fork
# Network address prefix, currently reserved values are 0 (money chain mainnet) and 16 (money chain testnet)
addressPrefix = 16
# A difficulty the network starts with
initialDifficultyHex = "01"
# Length of an epoch in difficulty recalculation. 1 means difficulty recalculation every block
epochLength = 16
blockInterval = 100ms
# Monetary config for chain
monetary {
# delay between the block mined and time when the reward can be spend
minerRewardDelay = 720
voting {
# Length of a voting epoch.
votingLength = 32
# Voting epochs to vote for soft-fork
softForkEpochs = 8
# Voting epochs to activate a soft-fork after acceptance
activationEpochs = 8
# Activation height for testnet protocol version 2 (client version 4.0.0 hard-fork)
version2ActivationHeight = 128
version2ActivationDifficultyHex = "20"
# Base16 representation of genesis state roothash
genesisStateDigestHex = "cb63aa99a3060f341781d8662b58bf18b9ad258db4fe88d09f8f71cb668cad4502"
wallet.secretStorage.secretDir = ${}"/wallet/keystore"
voting {
120 = 1
"rulesToDisable" = []
wallet {
optimalInputs = 100
profile = "exchange"
scorex {
network {
magicBytes = [2, 2, 4, 4]
bindAddress = ""
nodeName = "ergo-devnet-2.1"
nodeName = ${?NODENAME}
knownPeers = [
restApi {
apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"
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