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Created August 25, 2016 14:31
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package scorex.newstate
import{Actor, ActorRef}
import scorex.api.http.ApiRoute
import scorex.serialization.BytesSerializable
import shapeless.HList
import scala.util.Try
trait NodeStateModifier
trait Transaction[P <: Proposition] extends NodeStateModifier with BytesSerializable {
self =>
type TX >: self.type <: Transaction[P]
def companion: TransactionCompanion[P, TX]
trait TransactionCompanion[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] {
trait NewOffchainTransaction
trait DropOffchainTransaction
trait Block[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] extends BytesSerializable {
self =>
type B >: self.type <: Block[P, TX]
type BlockFields <: HList
def blockFields: BlockFields
def companion: BlockCompanion[P, TX, B]
trait BlockCompanion[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P], B <: Block[P, TX]] {
self =>
def parse(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[B]
def genesis: B
def isValid(block: B): Boolean
def build(blockFields: B#BlockFields): B
def transactions(block: B): Seq[TX]
trait AppendBlock
trait RollbackTo
trait NodeStateComponent {
self =>
type NS >: self.type <: NodeStateComponent
def companion: NodeStateComponentCompanion
trait NodeStateComponentCompanion {
def api: ApiRoute
//network functions to call
trait Synchronizable {
val invId: Byte
trait MinimalState[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] extends NodeStateComponent
trait History[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] extends NodeStateComponent with Synchronizable
trait MemPool[TX <: Transaction[_]] extends NodeStateComponent with Synchronizable
trait Wallet[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] extends NodeStateComponent
trait NodeStateHolder[P <: Proposition, TX <: Transaction[P]] {
self =>
type NSF >: self.type <: NodeStateHolder[P, TX]
type MS <: MinimalState[P, TX]
type HIS <: History[P, TX]
type MP <: MemPool[TX]
type WL <: Wallet[P, TX]
type NodeState = (MS, HIS, MP, WL)
def currentState: NodeState
protected def componentsSeq: Seq[NodeStateComponent] = Seq(
def apis: Seq[ApiRoute] =
import shapeless.syntax.typeable._
def synchronizeables: Seq[Synchronizable] = componentsSeq.flatMap(_.cast[Synchronizable])
trait Source
object Local extends Source
case class Remote(listener: ActorRef) extends Source
trait Peer extends Actor {
trait IngoingObjectsController extends Actor {
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