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Created January 28, 2019 05:44
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// title: 3D Maze
// move and turn by using the arrow keys
const { sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, floor, ceil, pow, random, max, sign, PI } = Math;
const MAPSIZE = 128;
const WIDTH = 128;
const HEIGHT = 128;
const grid = [];
for (let i = 0; i < MAPSIZE * MAPSIZE; i++) {
const cell = 1 + floor(random() * 4);
grid.push(random() < 0.3 ? cell : 0);
// clear path in front of starting position
grid[MAPSIZE / 2 * MAPSIZE + MAPSIZE / 2 + 0] = 0;
grid[MAPSIZE / 2 * MAPSIZE + MAPSIZE / 2 + 1] = 0;
grid[MAPSIZE / 2 * MAPSIZE + MAPSIZE / 2 + 2] = 0;
initialState = {
x: MAPSIZE / 2 + 0.5,
y: MAPSIZE / 2 + 0.5,
direction: 0.1,
grid: grid
const getCell = (grid, x, y) => {
x = floor(x);
y = floor(y);
if (x < 0 || MAPSIZE <= x || y < 0 || MAPSIZE <= y) return -1;
return grid[y * MAPSIZE + x];
const fillRect = (x, y, w, h, c) =>
rectFill(floor(x), floor(y), ceil(w), ceil(h), c);
update = (state, input) => {
const dx = (!!input.up - !!input.down) * cos(state.direction) * 0.05;
const dy = (!!input.down - !!input.up) * sin(state.direction) * 0.05;
if (getCell(state.grid, state.x + dx, state.y) <= 0) state.x += dx;
if (getCell(state.grid, state.x, state.y + dy) <= 0) state.y += dy;
state.direction += (!!input.left - !!input.right) * 0.04;
state.direction = (state.direction + 2 * PI) % (2 * PI);
draw = ({ x, y, direction, grid }) => {
// dark outline
const OUTLINE = true;
const THICKNESS = 1;
// perspective
const FOV = PI / 3;
const RANGE = 20;
rectFill(0, 64, 128, 64, 0); // ceiling
rectFill(0, 0, 128, 64, 5); // floor
let prevwall = -1;
let prevheight = -1;
let prevdist = -1;
// ray casting
for (let i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
const angle = direction - FOV / 2 + FOV / WIDTH * i;
const c = cos(angle);
const s = -sin(angle);
let px = x;
let py = y;
let wallX = -1;
let wallY = -1;
let dist = 0;
while (dist < RANGE) {
let horX = (c > 0 ? floor(px + 1) : ceil(px - 1)) - px;
let verY = (s > 0 ? floor(py + 1) : ceil(py - 1)) - py;
let horY = horX * s / c;
let verX = verY * c / s;
let distX = sqrt(horX * horX + horY * horY);
let distY = sqrt(verX * verX + verY * verY);
const t = distX < distY;
px += t ? horX : verX;
py += t ? horY : verY;
dist += t ? distX : distY;
const dx = t ? sign(c) * 0.5 : 0;
const dy = t ? 0 : sign(s) * 0.5;
if (getCell(grid, px + dx, py + dy) > 0) {
wallX = floor(px + dx);
wallY = floor(py + dy);
if (wallX >= 0 && wallY >= 0) break;
if (dist === 0) dist = RANGE;
let height = -1;
let z = -1;
// rendering
if (wallX >= 0 && wallY >= 0) {
z = dist * cos(angle - direction);
height = HEIGHT / z;
const top = HEIGHT / 2 - height / 2;
const cell = getCell(grid, wallX, wallY);
if (cell > 0) fillRect(WIDTH - i - 1, top, 1, height, cell);
if (OUTLINE) {
let w = (1 - z / RANGE) * THICKNESS;
fillRect(WIDTH - i - 1, top, w, w, 7);
fillRect(WIDTH - i - 1, top + height, w, w, 7);
if (prevwall != wallY * MAPSIZE + wallX) {
const maxheight = max(prevheight, height);
const maxtop = HEIGHT / 2 - maxheight / 2;
if (maxheight > height) {
w = (1 - prevdist / RANGE) * THICKNESS;
fillRect(WIDTH - i - 1, maxtop, w, maxheight, 7);
} else if (OUTLINE) {
if (prevwall != -1) {
let maxtop = HEIGHT / 2 - prevheight / 2;
let w = (1 - HEIGHT / prevheight / RANGE) * THICKNESS;
fillRect(WIDTH - i - 1, maxtop, w, prevheight, 7);
wallX = -1;
wallY = 0;
prevwall = wallY * MAPSIZE + wallX;
prevheight = height;
prevdist = z;
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