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Last active August 14, 2018 12:07
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class Value:
ColumnRef Text
ValText Text
ValReal Real
Operation Text (List Value)
def toJSON: case self of
ColumnRef n: JSON.empty . insert "column" n
ValText t: t.toJSON
ValReal r: r.toJSON
Operation n args: JSON.empty.insert "operation" n . insert "arguments" args
def startsWith t: Operation "startsWith" [self, t.toLQueryValue]
def matches regex: Operation "matches" [self, regex.toLQueryValue]
def > that: Predicate "gt" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def == that: Predicate "eq" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def < that: Predicate "lt" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def + that: Operation "plus" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def - that: Operation "minus" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def * that: Operation "times" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def / that: Operation "divide" [self, that.toLQueryValue]
def negate: Operation "negate" [self]
def toLQueryValue self: self
class Predicate:
Predicate Text (List Value)
Boolean Text (List Predicate)
def and that: Boolean "and" [self, that]
def or that: Boolean "or" [self, that]
def not: Boolean "not" [self]
def toJSON: case self of
Predicate t args: JSON.empty.insert "predicate" t . insert "arguments" args
Boolean t args: JSON.empty.insert "boolean" t . insert "arguments" args
class Table:
def at name: ColumnRef name
class Dataframe:
def filter f:
pred = f Table
compiled = compileLQueryPredicate pred
runFilterLQuery compiled self
def each f:
mapper = f Table
compiled = compileLQueryMod mapper
runEachLQuery compiled self
def main:
myFrame . filter (row: "income" > 0 && ( "income" / "familySize") < "expensesPerFamilyMember" * 2)
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