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Last active September 1, 2020 14:25
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Quick and dirty morse decoder in Haskell
module Codewars.Kata.DecodeMorse (decodeMorse) where
import Codewars.Kata.DecodeMorse.Preload (morseCodes)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
decodeMorse :: String -> String
decodeMorse = unwords . filter (not . null) . map ((>>= (morseCodes!)) . words) . splitOn " "
module Main where
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
test :: String
test = ".... . -.-- .--- ..- -.. ."
morseCodes :: M.Map String String -- This is given to us by the exercise
morseCodes = M.fromList [("....", "H"), (".", "E"), ("-.--", "Y"), (".---", "J"), ("..-", "U"), ("-..", "D")]
decodeMorse :: String -> String
decodeMorse = maybe "" unwords . traverse (traverse (`M.lookup` (head <$> morseCodes))) . fmap words . splitOn " "
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Codewars.Kata.DecodeMorse (decodeMorse) where
import Codewars.Kata.DecodeMorse.Preload (morseCodes)
import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
import Data.Text hiding (concatMap, unwords)
import Prelude hiding (words)
decodeMorse :: String -> String
decodeMorse = unwords . fmap (concatMap (morseCodes !) . fmap unpack . words) . splitOn " " . strip . pack
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