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Flavio Corpa kutyel

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kutyel / bsky-comments.js
Last active November 26, 2024 12:38 — forked from LoueeD/bsky-comments.js
bluesky comments web component - inspired by emilyliu and coryzue
class BskyComments extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
this.visibleCount = 3;
this.thread = null;
this.error = null;
connectedCallback() {
kutyel /
Created May 20, 2024 10:34 — forked from ykarikos/
FTN Test accounts and personal ID numbers for Finnish bank authentication
kutyel / index.js
Created August 11, 2023 09:42
Haskell style valid braces kata but in JavaScript! 🥷🏻
const validBraces = (str) => ![...str].reduceRight(collapse, []).join('')
const collapse = ([head, ...tail], val) => {
switch (val) {
case '(':
return head === ')' ? tail : [val, head, ...tail]
case '{':
return head === '}' ? tail : [val, head, ...tail]
case '[':
return head === ']' ? tail : [val, head, ...tail]
const app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
let Calendar = Application("Calendar")
const rounds = [
["Round 1", "12/26/2022 17:00"],
["Round 2", "12/27/2022 10:00"],
["Round 3", "12/27/2022 17:00"],
["Round 4", "12/28/2022 10:00"],
["Round 5", "12/28/2022 17:00"],
kutyel / Autocomplete.scss
Created September 20, 2022 11:32
Elm Autocomplete
@use '_share/src/zindex' as zindex;
@use '_share/src/Platform2/colors' as P2Colors;
@use '_share/src/Platform2/Scrollbar/style' as Scrollbar;
@mixin autocomplete {
&--search-icon {
margin-left: -8px;
margin-right: -4px;
height: 32px;
kutyel / part3.elm
Created July 13, 2022 14:10
Chapter 1 of Essential F# in Elm
module Main exposing (Customer(..), calculateTotal)
type Customer
= Eligible { id : String }
| Registered { id : String }
| Guest { id : String }
calculateTotal : Customer -> Double -> Double
kutyel /
Created August 4, 2016 07:51 — forked from dan-c-underwood/
Custom fish greeting (for fish shell)
function fish_greeting
echo ' '(set_color F00)'___
___======____='(set_color FF7F00)'-'(set_color FF0)'-'(set_color FF7F00)'-='(set_color F00)')
/T \_'(set_color FF0)'--='(set_color FF7F00)'=='(set_color F00)') '(set_color red)(whoami)'@'(hostname)'
[ \ '(set_color FF7F00)'('(set_color FF0)'0'(set_color FF7F00)') '(set_color F00)'\~ \_'(set_color FF0)'-='(set_color FF7F00)'='(set_color F00)')'(set_color yellow)' Uptime:'(set_color white)(uptime | sed 's/.*up \([^,]*\), .*/\1/')(set_color red)'
\ / )J'(set_color FF7F00)'~~ \\'(set_color FF0)'-='(set_color F00)') Theme: '(set_color white)(echo $fish_theme)(set_color red)'
\\\\___/ )JJ'(set_color FF7F00)'~'(set_color FF0)'~~ '(set_color F00)'\) '(set_color yellow)'Version: '(set_color white)(echo $FISH_VERSION)(set_color red)'
\_____/JJJ'(set_color FF7F00)'~~'(set_color FF0)'~~ '(set_color F00)'\\
'(set_color FF7F00)'/ '(set_color FF0)'\ '(set_color FF0)', \\'(set_color F00)'J'(set_color
kutyel /
Created January 4, 2022 13:46
FIX git history of former work emails 🤦‍♂️
git filter-branch --env-filter '
CORRECT_NAME="Flavio Corpa"
kutyel / event-emitter-copilot.js
Created July 14, 2021 09:25
Github Copilot passed the Facebook EventEmitter JavaScript test... Yikes!
* Create an event emitter that goes like this:
const emitter = new Emitter();
Its instance allows you to subscribe to some event by passing a callback function
port module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, canvas, div, h1, h3, p, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, height, id, width)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
port subscribeToVideoUpdates : () -> Cmd msg