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Created August 1, 2016 05:40
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iPhone-GS60:~ root# clutch -d 13
Now dumping com.badoo.Badoo
Preparing to dump <Badoo>
Preparing to dump <ABContactHelper>
Preparing to dump <AFNetworking>
Preparing to dump <AppsFlyerSDKStatsCollector>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_BDFAuthorization>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_BDFSocial>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_Domain>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_Foundation>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_Hotpanel>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_Network>
Preparing to dump <BPPlatform_UI>
Preparing to dump <Bolts>
Preparing to dump <CTAssetsPickerController>
Preparing to dump <Chatto>
Preparing to dump <ChattoAdditions>
Preparing to dump <CocoaAsyncSocket>
Preparing to dump <CocoaLumberjack>
Preparing to dump <FBSDKCoreKit>
Preparing to dump <FBSDKLoginKit>
Preparing to dump <FBSDKShareKit>
Preparing to dump <FSOAuth>
Preparing to dump <GZIP>
Preparing to dump <InAppSettingsKit>
Preparing to dump <KVOController>
Preparing to dump <KZPropertyMapper>
Preparing to dump <OpenUDID>
Preparing to dump <PINCache>
Preparing to dump <RBBAnimation>
Preparing to dump <Reachability>
Preparing to dump <SDCAlertView>
Preparing to dump <SDCAutoLayout>
Preparing to dump <SMPageControl>
Preparing to dump <TTTAttributedLabel>
Preparing to dump <UICKeyChainStore>
Preparing to dump <YapDatabase>
Preparing to dump <libextobjc>
Preparing to dump <youtube_ios_player_helper>
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <OpenUDID> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <SDCAlertView> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <TTTAttributedLabel> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <AppsFlyerSDKStatsCollector> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <InAppSettingsKit> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <SDCAutoLayout> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <ABContactHelper> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <youtube_ios_player_helper> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <KVOController> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <FBSDKLoginKit> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <libextobjc> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_BDFAuthorization> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <SMPageControl> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <UICKeyChainStore> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <Bolts> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <CocoaLumberjack> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <AFNetworking> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <Reachability> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_BDFSocial> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <CTAssetsPickerController> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <GZIP> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <RBBAnimation> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <FBSDKShareKit> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <CocoaAsyncSocket> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <FBSDKCoreKit> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <PINCache> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <Chatto> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <FSOAuth> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <KZPropertyMapper> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_UI> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <YapDatabase> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_Foundation> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <ChattoAdditions> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_Domain> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_Hotpanel> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | FrameworkDumper <armv7> <BPPlatform_Network> Swapping architectures..
Dumping <GZIP> armv7
Dumping <Reachability> armv7
Dumping <AFNetworking> armv7
Dumping <KZPropertyMapper> armv7
Dumping <UICKeyChainStore> armv7
Dumping <libextobjc> armv7
Dumping <KVOController> armv7
Dumping <Reachability> arm64
Dumping <AFNetworking> arm64
Dumping <youtube_ios_player_helper> armv7
Dumping <RBBAnimation> armv7
Dumping <OpenUDID> armv7
Dumping <SDCAutoLayout> armv7
Dumping <FSOAuth> armv7
Dumping <PINCache> armv7
Dumping <SMPageControl> armv7
Dumping <CocoaAsyncSocket> armv7
Dumping <SDCAlertView> armv7
Dumping <TTTAttributedLabel> armv7
Dumping <Chatto> armv7
Dumping <GZIP> arm64
DUMP | ARMDumper <armv7> <Badoo> Swapping architectures..
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <AFNetworking> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <Reachability> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <Bolts> armv7
Dumping <KVOController> arm64
Dumping <AppsFlyerSDKStatsCollector> armv7
Dumping <KZPropertyMapper> arm64
Dumping <libextobjc> arm64
Dumping <UICKeyChainStore> arm64
Dumping <CocoaLumberjack> armv7
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <UICKeyChainStore> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <KZPropertyMapper> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <KVOController> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <libextobjc> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <GZIP> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <YapDatabase> armv7
Dumping <ChattoAdditions> armv7
Dumping <CTAssetsPickerController> armv7
Dumping <ABContactHelper> armv7
Dumping <InAppSettingsKit> armv7
Dumping <FBSDKCoreKit> armv7
Dumping <FBSDKLoginKit> armv7
Dumping <FBSDKShareKit> armv7
Dumping <BPPlatform_UI> armv7
Dumping <BPPlatform_Foundation> armv7
Dumping <PINCache> arm64
Dumping <CocoaLumberjack> arm64
Dumping <youtube_ios_player_helper> arm64
Dumping <AppsFlyerSDKStatsCollector> arm64
Dumping <CocoaAsyncSocket> arm64
Dumping <Chatto> arm64
Dumping <RBBAnimation> arm64
Dumping <FSOAuth> arm64
Dumping <SMPageControl> arm64
Dumping <OpenUDID> arm64
Dumping <SDCAutoLayout> arm64
Dumping <Bolts> arm64
Dumping <TTTAttributedLabel> arm64
Dumping <SDCAlertView> arm64
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <OpenUDID> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <RBBAnimation> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <youtube_ios_player_helper> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <SMPageControl> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <FSOAuth> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <SDCAutoLayout> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <AppsFlyerSDKStatsCollector> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <PINCache> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <SDCAlertView> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <Bolts> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <CocoaLumberjack> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <TTTAttributedLabel> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <YapDatabase> arm64
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <Chatto> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <CocoaAsyncSocket> Success! Child exited with status 0
objc[3483]: Class is implemented in both /private/var/tmp/clutch/1EC4D6A7-F393-45E6-85F4-0807C6F39E8E/Frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/FBSDKCoreKit and /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/51D1ADDC-ECF9-4DCB-BD67-D70C235AB623/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
DUMP | ARMDumper <armv7> <Badoo> Patched cryptid (32bit segment) | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <CTAssetsPickerController> arm64 | ETA: 0h00m00s
objc[3484]: Class is implemented in both /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/51D1ADDC-ECF9-4DCB-BD67-D70C235AB623/ and /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/51D1ADDC-ECF9-4DCB-BD67-D70C235AB623/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |=== | ETA: 0h00m00sDumping <FBSDKCoreKit> arm64
Dumping <ChattoAdditions> arm64
Dumping <ABContactHelper> arm64
objc[3481]: Class is implemented in both /private/var/tmp/clutch/4017E48F-C1D3-4A8A-B3A8-EADDA24EBCC8/Frameworks/BPPlatform_Foundation.framework/BPPlatform_Foundation and /private/var/tmp/clutch/4017E48F-C1D3-4A8A-B3A8-EADDA24EBCC8/Frameworks/BPPlatform_Foundation.framework/BPPlatform_Foundation. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |=== | ETA: 0h00m00Dumping <FBSDKLoginKit> arm64
Dumping <InAppSettingsKit> arm64
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |=== DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <CTAssetsPickerController> Success! Child exited with status 0
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <ABContactHelper> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <FBSDKShareKit> arm64 | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <BPPlatform_Domain> armv7 | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <BPPlatform_Network> armv7
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <FBSDKLoginKit> Success! Child exited with status 0 | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |=== DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <InAppSettingsKit> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |=== Dumping <BPPlatform_BDFSocial> armv7 | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <BPPlatform_BDFAuthorization> armv7
DUMP | Framework64Dumper <arm64> <ChattoAdditions> Success! Child exited with status 0
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |==== Dumping <BPPlatform_Hotpanel> armv7 | ETA: 0h00m00s
Dumping <Badoo> (armv7) |==== Dumping <BPPlatform_Foundation> arm64
Dumping <BPPlatform_UI> arm64
Segmentation fault: 11
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