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Created October 12, 2018 12:14
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= Nonrelational database stystems =
* hierarchical database stystems
* network database ssystem
= Relational model =
1970 Codd proposed that data be represented as sets of tables
Each table in a relational database includes information
that uniquely identifies a row in that table - known as primary key
Some of the tables also include infomarmation used to navigate to another
data - known as foreign key
The process of refining a database design to ensure that each independent
piece of information in in only one place
(except fo foreign keys) is knows as noramalization
SQL is divided into several distinct parts:
* Schema statements - used to define the data structures stored in the
* Data statements - used to manipulate the data structures previosly
defined using SQL schema statements
* Transaction statements - used to begin, end, and roll back
With SQL, however, you will need to give up some of the control you are used to,
because SQL statements define the necessary inputs and outputs, but the manner in
which a statement is executed is left to a component of your database engine known
as the optimizer.
= Character Data =
Char - use when all strings to be stored in the columns of the same length
State abrevation: CA, NY
Yes/No flags: Y/N
Sex: M/F
Varchar - varying length
If you need to store longer strings(such as emails, XML) then you
will want to use ne of text types - mediumtext,
= Numeric Data =
Integer types - tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint
Floating-point types - float, double
Decimal calculaion is exact
Float = ~ 7 digits approximate
Double = ~ 15 digits approximate
= Temporal Data =
Date types - Date, Datetime, Timestamp, Year, Time
Date - 'YYYY-MM-DD' stroring date, but no the time
Time - 'HH:MM:SS' stroring time, but no the date
Datetime - data + time, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
select curdate();
select curtime();
select now();
select date_format(curdate(), '%D %M %Y'); // 7th February 2018
= Timestamp =
Timestamp is like datetime but have smaller range and takes less memory space
create table comments(
content varchar(100),
created_at timestamp default now()
= Basic operations =
show databases;
create database shirts_db;
create table shirts (
shirts_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
article varchar(100),
color varchar(100),
shirts_size char(1),
last_worn int
insert into shirts (article, color, shirts_size,
values ("t-shirt", "white", "S", 10);
select article, color, shirt_size, last_worn from shirts
where shirt_size="M";
update shirts set shirt_size="L" where article="polo
delete from shirts where last_worn=200;
drop table shirts;
drop database shirts_db;
select database();
= String functions =
select book_id, concat(author_fname, " ", author_lname)
as "full name" from books;
select substring("Hello world", 1, 7);
select replace(title, "The", "Changed") as title from books;
select reverse(title) as title from books;
select char_length(title) as "title length" from books;
select concat(author_lname, " is ", char_length(author_lname), " characters
long") from books;
select distinct author_lname from books; - without duplicates
= Refining =
select * from books order by author_fname;
select * from books order by released_year desc limit 10;
select * from books where author_fname like "%Dan%";
select author_fname from books where author_fname like "Da%"; - search that
starts from "Da"
select author_fname from books where author_fname like "_____";- author name is
5 character long
select concat(title, "-", released_year) as summary from books order by
released_year desc limit 3;
= Aggregate functions =
select count(*) from books;
select author_lname, count(*) from books group by author_lname;
select min(released_year) from books;
select max(released_year) from books;
- select * from books where pages = (select min(pages) from books);
select author_fname, author_lname, min(released_year) from books group by author_lname, author_fname;
select author_fname, author_lname, sum(stock_quantity) from books group by author_lname, author_fname;
select released_year, avg(stock_quantity) from books group by released_year;
= Logical operators =
select * from books where released_year != 2017;
select title from books where title not like 'C%';
>= > < <=
&& AND
Between / Not between
select * from books where released_year between 2004 and 2015;
select * from books where released_year not between 2004 and 2015;
In / Not in
select * from books where author_lname in ("Carver", "Lahiri", "Harris");
select * from books where author_lname not in ("Carver", "Lahiri", "Harris");
select * from books where released_year % 2 != 0;
* One to one: customer -> customer-details
* One to many: book -> reviews
* Many to many: books -> authors
create table orders(
id int auto_increment primary key,
order_date date,
customer_id int,
foreign key(cutomer_id) references customers(id)
= Inner Join =
-- Implicity inner join
select * from orders, customers where = orders.customer_id;
-- Explicit
select * from cutomers join orders on = orders.customer_id;
select first_name, last_name, sum(amount) as total_spent
from customers
join orders on = orders.customer_id
group by orders.customer_id order by amount desc;
= Left join =
ifnull(sum(amount), 0) as total_spent
from customers
left join orders on = orders.customer_id
group by order by amount desc;
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