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Created September 16, 2019 08:47
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# Fonts
# General Fonts -- URW Palladio L, URW Chancery L, Reminga Pro
# To find proper names, use fc-list (Font Config)
# E.g. Reminga has the following:
# $ fc-list | grep -i reminga
# (look at fc-cache if fc-list does not return anything)
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro.otf: Reminga Pro:style=Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro-MediumIta.otf: Reminga Pro,RemingaPro\-MediumIta:style=Medium Italic,Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro-Medium.otf: Reminga Pro,RemingaPro\-Medium:style=Medium,Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro-Bold.otf: Reminga Pro,RemingaPro\-Bold:style=Bold,Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaTitlingPro.otf: Reminga Titling Pro:style=Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro-Ita.otf: Reminga Pro,RemingaPro\-Ita:style=Regular Italic,Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaPro-BoldIta.otf: Reminga Pro,RemingaPro\-BoldIta:style=Bold Italic,Regular
# /home/xxx/.fonts/FF Reminga Pro/FontFont - RemingaTitlingPro-Ita.otf: Reminga Titling Pro,RemingaTitlingPro\-Ita:style=Regular Italic,Regular
# Note how bold/italic/bolditalic are named.
fontsize: 11pt
mainfont: RemingaPro
- BoldFont=RemingaPro-Bold
- ItalicFont=RemingaPro-Ita
- BoldItalicFont=RemingaPro-BoldIta
sansfont: Opinion Pro Regular
- BoldFont=Opinion Pro Bold
- ItalicFont=Opinion Pro Italic
- BoldItalicFont=Opinion Pro Bold Italic
monofont: FiraCode-Regular
- BoldFont=FiraCode-Bold
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