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Created November 11, 2019 22:14
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My BobFS
#include "bobfs.h"
#include "libk.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "machine.h"
uint8_t zero_1024[BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE];
Semaphore BobFS::lock{0};
BobFS* BobFS::cache[4];
void bobFSInit() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
BobFS::cache[i] = nullptr;
// Node //
Node::Node(BobFS* fs, uint32_t inumber) : fs(fs), inumber(inumber) {
uint16_t Node::getType(void) {
Locker l{};
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
return inode.type;
bool Node::isDirectory(void) {
return getType() == DIR_TYPE;
bool Node::isFile(void) {
return getType() == FILE_TYPE;
static bool streq(const char* a, const char* b, uint32_t n) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
static uint32_t strlen(const char* str) {
uint32_t i = 0;
while (*str++ != 0) i++;
return i;
Node* Node::findNode(const char* name) {
Locker l{};
uint32_t nameLen = strlen(name);
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
if (inode.type != DIR_TYPE) {
return nullptr;
uint8_t buf[inode.size];
readAll(0, buf, inode.size, false);
uint8_t* entries = buf;
uint32_t i = 0;
while (i < inode.size) {
uint32_t entryINumber;
memcpy(&entryINumber, entries, sizeof(uint32_t));
entries += sizeof(uint32_t);
uint32_t entryNameLen;
memcpy(&entryNameLen, entries, sizeof(uint32_t));
entries += sizeof(uint32_t);
char entryName[entryNameLen];
memcpy(entryName, entries, entryNameLen);
entries += entryNameLen;
if (nameLen == entryNameLen && streq(name, entryName, nameLen)) {
return new Node(fs, entryINumber);
i += 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + entryNameLen;
return nullptr;
uint16_t Node::getLinks(void) {
Locker l{};
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
return inode.nlinks;
uint32_t Node::getSize(void) {
Locker l{};
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
return inode.size;
uint32_t Node::getDataBlock(uint32_t block, iNode& inode) {
uint32_t dataBlock;
bool flushINode = false;
if (block == 0) {
if (! { = fs->dalloc();
flushINode = true;
dataBlock =;
} else {
if (inode.indirect == 0) {
inode.indirect = fs->dalloc();
flushINode = true;
dataBlock = 0;
} else {
fs->device->readAll(inode.indirect * BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE + (block - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t), &dataBlock, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!dataBlock) {
dataBlock = fs->dalloc();
fs->device->writeAll(inode.indirect * BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE + (block - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t), &dataBlock, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (flushINode) {
fs->writeINode(inumber, &inode);
return dataBlock;
int32_t Node::read(uint32_t offset, void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock) {
Locker l{lock};
if (n == 0) return 0;
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
if (offset > inode.size) return -1;
if (offset == inode.size) return 0;
if (offset + n > inode.size) n = inode.size - offset;
uint32_t block = offset / BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t start = offset % BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t end = start + n;
if (end > BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE) end = BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t count = end - start;
uint32_t dataBlock = getDataBlock(block, inode);
fs->device->readAll(dataBlock * BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE + start, buffer, count);
return count;
int32_t Node::write(uint32_t offset, const void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock) {
Locker l{lock};
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (offset >= BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE) return -1;
if (offset + n > BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE) n = BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE - offset;
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
uint32_t block = offset / BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t start = offset % BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t end = start + n;
if (end > BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE) end = BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t count = end - start;
uint32_t dataBlock = getDataBlock(block, inode);
if (offset + count > inode.size) {
inode.size = offset + count;
fs->writeINode(inumber, &inode);
fs->device->writeAll(dataBlock * BobFS::BLOCK_SIZE + start, buffer, count);
return count;
int32_t Node::readAll(uint32_t offset, void* buffer_, uint32_t n, bool lock) {
Locker l{lock};
int32_t total = 0;
uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*) buffer_;
while (n > 0) {
int32_t cnt = read(offset, buffer, n, false);
if (cnt < 0) return cnt;
if (cnt == 0) return total;
total += cnt;
n -= cnt;
offset += cnt;
buffer += cnt;
return total;
int32_t Node::writeAll(uint32_t offset, const void* buffer_, uint32_t n, bool lock) {
Locker l{lock};
if (offset >= BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE) return -1;
if (offset + n > BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE) n = BobFS::MAX_FILE_SIZE - offset;
int32_t total = 0;
uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*) buffer_;
while (n > 0) {
int32_t cnt = write(offset, buffer, n, false);
if (cnt < 0) return cnt;
if (cnt == 0) return total;
total += cnt;
n -= cnt;
offset += cnt;
buffer += cnt;
return total;
void Node::linkNode(const char* name, Node* node) {
Locker l{};
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
if (inode.type != DIR_TYPE) {
uint32_t nameLen = strlen(name);
uint8_t entry[2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + nameLen];
memcpy(&entry[0], &node->inumber, sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(&entry[sizeof(uint32_t)], &nameLen, sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(&entry[2 * sizeof(uint32_t)], name, nameLen);
writeAll(inode.size, entry, sizeof(entry), false);
iNode other{};
fs->readINode(node->inumber, &other);
fs->writeINode(node->inumber, &other);
Node* Node::newNode(const char* name, uint16_t type) {
Locker l{};
iNode inode{};
fs->readINode(inumber, &inode);
if (inode.type != DIR_TYPE) {
return nullptr;
uint32_t newINumber = fs->ialloc();
uint32_t nameLen = strlen(name);
uint8_t entry[2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + nameLen];
memcpy(&entry[0], &newINumber, sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(&entry[sizeof(uint32_t)], &nameLen, sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(&entry[2 * sizeof(uint32_t)], name, nameLen);
writeAll(inode.size, entry, sizeof(entry), false);
iNode newInode{
.type = type,
.nlinks = 1,
.size = 0,
.direct = 0,
.indirect = 0
fs->writeINode(newINumber, &newInode);
return new Node(fs, newINumber);
Node* Node::newFile(const char* name) {
return newNode(name, FILE_TYPE);
Node* Node::newDirectory(const char* name) {
return newNode(name, DIR_TYPE);
void Node::dump(const char* name, bool* visited) {
bool top = false;
if (!visited) {
visited = new bool[BobFS::INODE_BITMAP_SIZE * 8];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BobFS::INODE_BITMAP_SIZE * 8; i++) visited[i] = 0;
top = true;
bool was = visited[inumber];
visited[inumber] = 1;
uint32_t type = getType();
switch (type) {
case DIR_TYPE:
Debug::printf("*** 0 directory:%s(%d)\n",name,getLinks());
uint32_t sz = getSize();
uint32_t offset = 0;
while (offset < sz) {
uint32_t ichild;
offset += 4;
uint32_t len;
offset += 4;
char* ptr = (char*) malloc(len+1);
offset += len;
ptr[len] = 0;
Node* child = Node::get(fs,ichild);
if (!was)
child->dump(ptr, visited);
Debug::printf("*** 0 file:%s(%d,%d)\n",name,getLinks(),getSize());
Debug::panic("unknown i-node type %d\n",type);
if (top) delete[] visited;
Bitmap::Bitmap(Ide* device, uint32_t bitmapStart, uint32_t bitmapSize, uint32_t blockSize):
device(device), bitmapStart(bitmapStart), bitmapSize(bitmapSize), blockSize(blockSize), availableBlocks(bitmapSize * 8)
bitmap = new uint8_t[bitmapSize];
device->readAll(bitmapStart, bitmap, bitmapSize);
Bitmap::~Bitmap() {
device->writeAll(bitmapStart, bitmap, bitmapSize);
delete[] bitmap;
inline bool Bitmap::get(uint32_t index) {
return bitmap[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8));
inline void Bitmap::set(uint32_t index, bool value) {
uint32_t byteNum = index / 8;
uint32_t bitNum = index % 8;
bitmap[byteNum] |= value << bitNum;
bitmap[byteNum] &= ~(!value << bitNum);
uint32_t Bitmap::map(uint32_t sz) {
uint32_t size = (sz / blockSize) + ((bool) (sz % blockSize));
uint32_t i = 0;
while (true) {
if (i + size > availableBlocks) {
return 0;
bool clear = true;
uint32_t next = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (get(i + size - 1 - j)) {
next = i + size - j;
clear = false;
if (clear) {
for (uint32_t j = i; j < i + size; j++) {
set(j, true);
return i * blockSize;
i = next;
/*void Bitmap::unmap(uint32_t start, uint32_t size) {
// BobFS //
BobFS::BobFS(Ide* device): device(device) {
BobFS::~BobFS() {
cache[device->drive] = nullptr;
uint32_t BobFS::dalloc() {
uint32_t block = ( + DATA_SEGMENT_START) / BLOCK_SIZE;
device->writeAll(block * BLOCK_SIZE, zero_1024, BLOCK_SIZE);
return block;
uint32_t BobFS::ialloc() {
return / INODE_SIZE;
void BobFS::readINode(uint32_t inumber, iNode* inode) {
device->readAll(INODE_SEGMENT_START + inumber * INODE_SIZE, inode, INODE_SIZE);
void BobFS::writeINode(uint32_t inumber, iNode* inode) {
device->writeAll(INODE_SEGMENT_START + inumber * INODE_SIZE, inode, INODE_SIZE);
Node* BobFS::root(BobFS* fs) {
Locker l{};
Superblock superblock{};
fs->device->readAll(0, &superblock, sizeof(Superblock));
if (!streq(superblock.magic, Superblock::MAGIC, 8)) {
Debug::panic("Invalid BOBFS");
return new Node(fs, superblock.root);
BobFS* BobFS::mount(Ide* device) {
if (cache[device->drive] == nullptr) {
cache[device->drive] = new BobFS(device);
return cache[device->drive];
BobFS* BobFS::mkfs(Ide* device) {
Locker l{};
Superblock superblock{.magic = MAGIC_STRING, .root = 0};
device->writeAll(0, &superblock, sizeof(Superblock));
// zero the bitmaps
device->writeAll(DATA_BITMAP_START, zero_1024, BLOCK_SIZE);
device->writeAll(INODE_BITMAP_START, zero_1024, BLOCK_SIZE);
BobFS* fs = new BobFS(device);
cache[device->drive] = fs;
uint32_t rootINumber = fs->ialloc();
iNode rootInode = iNode{
.type = Node::DIR_TYPE,
.nlinks = 1,
.size = 0,
.direct = 0,
.indirect = 0
device->writeAll(INODE_SEGMENT_START + rootINumber * INODE_SIZE, &rootInode, INODE_SIZE);
return fs;
#ifndef _BOBFS_H_
#define _BOBFS_H_
#include "ide.h"
#include "semaphore.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "threads.h"
#define MAGIC_STRING {'B', 'O', 'B', 'F', 'S', '4', '3', '9'}
void bobFSInit();
class BobFS;
struct Superblock {
static constexpr const char MAGIC[] = MAGIC_STRING;
const char magic[8];
uint32_t root;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct iNode {
uint16_t type;
uint16_t nlinks;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t direct;
uint32_t indirect;
} __attribute__((packed));
/* In-memory representation of an i-node */
class Node {
BobFS* fs;
uint32_t getDataBlock(uint32_t block, iNode& inode);
static constexpr uint32_t SIZE = 16;
static constexpr uint16_t DIR_TYPE = 1;
static constexpr uint16_t FILE_TYPE = 2;
uint32_t inumber;
/* Create a Node object representing the given i-node
in the given file system */
Node(BobFS* fs, uint32_t inumber);
/* node type */
uint16_t getType(void);
/* number of links to this node */
uint16_t getLinks(void);
/* size of the data represented by this node */
uint32_t getSize(void);
/* read up to "n" bytes and store them in the given "buffer"
starting at the given "offset" in the file
returns: number of bytes actually read
x = 0 ==> end of file
x < 0 ==> error
0 < x <= n ==> number of bytes actually read
int32_t read(uint32_t offset, void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock = true);
/* like read but promises to read as many bytes as it can */
int32_t readAll(uint32_t offset, void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock = true);
/* writes up to "n" bytes from the given "buffer"
starting at the given "offset" in the file
returns: number of bytes actually written
x = 0 ==> end of file
x < 0 ==> error
0 < x <= n ==> number of bytes actually written
int32_t write(uint32_t offset, const void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock = true);
/* like write but promises to write as many bytes as it can */
int32_t writeAll(uint32_t offset, const void* buffer, uint32_t n, bool lock = true);
/* If the current node is a directory, create an entry
with the given information and return a pointer to the
Node representing the new entry
returns null if the current Node is not a directory
Node* newNode(const char* name, uint16_t type);
/* calls newNode to create a file */
Node* newFile(const char* name);
/* calls newNode to create a directory */
Node* newDirectory(const char* name);
/* if the current node is a directory, returns a pointer
the entry with the given name */
Node* findNode(const char* name);
bool isFile(void);
bool isDirectory(void);
/* Creates a new link to the given node in this directory */
/* does nothing of the current node is not a directory */
void linkNode(const char* name, Node* file);
void dump(const char* name, bool* visited = nullptr);
static Node* get(BobFS* fs, uint32_t index) {
Node* n = new Node(fs,index);
return n;
/* A helper class that represents a generic Bitmap (for the data and inode bitmaps).
* Has the ability to map and unmap blocks from each segment.
* Loads the bitmap into memory when constructed, and flushes any changes back out to disk
* when deleted.
class Bitmap {
Ide* device;
uint32_t bitmapStart;
uint32_t bitmapSize;
uint32_t blockSize;
uint32_t availableBlocks;
uint8_t* bitmap;
// gets a bit by index
inline bool get(uint32_t index);
// sets a bit to a value
inline void set(uint32_t index, bool value);
// creates a bitmap read in from a region on the device. All values are in bytes.
Bitmap(Ide* device, uint32_t bitmapStart, uint32_t bitmapSize, uint32_t blockSize);
// writes any changes back to disk
// finds an available region and maps it. size, in bytes, is rounded up to the nearest multiple of itemSize.
uint32_t map(uint32_t size);
// unmaps the region from start to start + size. start is truncated to itemSize, and size is rounded up to itemSize.
// void unmap(uint32_t start, uint32_t size); // looks like we might not have to delete files, so uneccessary for now?
/* In-memory representation of a BobFS file system */
class BobFS {
static constexpr uint32_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
static constexpr uint32_t INODE_SIZE = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t DATA_BITMAP_START = 0x400;
static constexpr uint32_t DATA_BITMAP_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE;
static constexpr uint32_t INODE_BITMAP_START = 0x800;
static constexpr uint32_t INODE_BITMAP_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE;
static constexpr uint32_t INODE_SEGMENT_START = 0xc00;
static constexpr uint32_t INODE_SEGMENT_SIZE = INODE_BITMAP_SIZE * 8 * INODE_SIZE;
static constexpr uint32_t MAX_FILE_SIZE = (BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE;
static Semaphore lock;
static BobFS* cache[4];
Ide* device;
BobFS(Ide* device);
virtual ~BobFS();
// alloc a data block and return its block number (relative to beginning of drive)
uint32_t dalloc();
//void dunmap(uint32_t start, uint32_t size);
// alloc an inode and return its inumber
uint32_t ialloc();
//void ifree();
void readINode(uint32_t inumber, iNode* inode);
void writeINode(uint32_t inumber, iNode* inode);
/* make a new BobFS file system on the given device */
static BobFS* mkfs(Ide* device);
/* mount an existing BobFS file system from the given device */
static BobFS* mount(Ide* device);
/* Return a pointer to the root node of the given file system */
static Node* root(BobFS* fs);
class Locker {
bool doIt;
Locker(bool doIt = true) : doIt(doIt) {
if (doIt) {
~Locker() {
if (doIt) {
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