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Last active December 18, 2015 23:38
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Save kvanbere/5862432 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Boolean expression optimizer.
import Data.Char
data Expr
= Nand Expr Expr
| And Expr Expr
| Or Expr Expr
| Not Expr
| Input Int
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Expr where
show (Input n) = [chr $ 64 + n]
show (Not e) = '!' : show e
show (Or a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " | " ++ show b ++ ")"
show (And a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " & " ++ show b ++ ")"
show (Nand a b) = show (Not $ And a b)
expl :: Expr -> Expr
expl (And x y) =
let z = Nand (expl x) (expl y)
in Nand z z
expl (Or x y) =
let x' = expl x
y' = expl y
in Nand (Nand x' x') (Nand y' y')
expl (Not x) =
let x' = expl x
in Nand x' x'
expl e = e
optimize :: Expr -> Expr
optimize (Nand x@(Input _) y@(Nand _ _)) = Nand x (optimize y)
optimize (Nand x@(Nand _ _) y@(Input _)) = Nand (optimize x) y
optimize e@(Nand x@(Input _) y@(Input _))
| x == y = Not x
| otherwise = e
optimize (Nand x y) =
let pullor e'@(Or a'' b'') f'@(Or c'' d'')
| a'' == c'' = Or a'' (And b'' d'')
| a'' == d'' = Or a'' (And b'' c'')
| b'' == c'' = Or b'' (And a'' d'')
| b'' == d'' = Or b'' (And a'' c'')
| otherwise = And e' f'
pullor e' f' = And e' f'
optimize' x'@(Nand a b) y'@(Nand c d)
| x' == y' =
let optnot (Not n') = n'
optnot (Nand a' b') = pullor a' b'
optnot n' = Not n'
in optnot (optimize x')
| a == b && c == d =
let optor
| a == c = optimize a
| otherwise =
let expnot g f h i
| g == h = Or g i
| g == i = Or g h
| otherwise = Or g f
pullnot e f@(And (Not a'') b'') = expnot e f a'' b''
pullnot f@(And (Not a'') b'') e = expnot e f a'' b''
pullnot e f = Or e f
optfac g f h i
| g `elem` [h, i] = g
| otherwise = pullnot g f
redor e f@(And a'' b'') = optfac e f a'' b''
redor f@(And a'' b'') e = optfac e f a'' b''
redor (Not a'') (Not b'') = Not $ And a'' b''
redor e f = Or e f
in redor (optimize a) (optimize c)
in optor
| otherwise =
let redand
| a == c && b == d = optand (optimize a) (optimize b)
| a == d && b == c = optand (optimize a) (optimize b)
| otherwise = Nand (optimize x') (optimize y')
optand x'' y''
| x'' == y'' = optimize x''
| otherwise = pullor x'' y''
in redand
optimize' x' y' = Nand (optimize x') (optimize y')
in optimize' x y
optimize e = e
main :: IO ()
main =
let before = And (Or (Input 2) (Input 3)) (Not (Or (Input 1) (And (Not (Input 1)) (Input 2))))
mash = expl before
after = optimize mash
in putStrLn "Before:" >> print before
>> putStrLn "\nMash:" >> print mash
>> putStrLn "\nAfter:" >> print after
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