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Forked from gelisam/Main.hs
Created March 30, 2014 02:24
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-- in reply to
-- We implement a tiny language with three commands: Open, Close, and Get.
-- The first Get after an Open returns 1, the second Get returns 2, and so on.
-- Get is only valid while the state is open, and
-- Open must always be matched by a Close.
-- We enforce both restrictions via the type system.
-- There are two valid states: Opened and Closed.
-- The only legal transitions are
-- Closed ---Open--> Opened
-- Opened ---Get---> Opened
-- Opened ---Close-> Closed
-- No other Transitions are representable.
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax, GADTs #-}
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude (Num(..), Int(..), IO(..))
-- States, which must be represented as types
-- so that they can appear as type indices.
data Opened
data Closed
-- The only three valid transitions.
data Transition i j a where
Open :: Transition Closed Opened ()
Close :: Transition Opened Closed ()
Get :: Transition Opened Opened Int
-- A sequence of valid transitions.
data Program i j a where
Return :: a -> Program i i a
-- The Transition ends in state `j`,
-- so the rest of the Program must begin in state `j`.
Bind :: Transition i j a -> (a -> Program j k b) -> Program i k b
-- Run a well-formed Program which matches each Open with a Close.
runProgram :: Program Closed Closed a -> IO a
runProgram = runClosed
runClosed :: Program Closed j a -> IO a
runClosed (Return x) = P.return x
runClosed (Bind Open f) = runOpened (f ()) 1
-- We only need to remember the Int while the state is still Opened.
runOpened :: Program Opened j a -> Int -> IO a
runOpened (Return x) _ = P.return x
runOpened (Bind Close f) s = runClosed (f ())
runOpened (Bind Get f) s = runOpened (f s) (s + 1)
-- Use RebindableSyntax to change the types of return and (>>=).
-- We hardcode Transition to make the rest of the code more concise.
class IndexedMonad m where
return :: a -> m i i a
-- (>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
(>>=) :: Transition i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
-- More definitions required by RebindableSyntax.
t >> p = t >>= (\() -> p)
fail = P.error
-- Program is not a Monad because `m i j` doesn't unify with `m j k`.
-- It is, however, an IndexedMonad.
instance IndexedMonad Program where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- If you try to reorder the operations
-- so that a Get doesn't occur between an Open and a Close, or
-- if Open is not matched by a Close, you get a type error.
program :: Program Closed Closed [Int]
program = do
x <- Get
y <- Get
return [x, y] -- [1, 2]
-- |
-- >>> main
-- [1,2]
main :: IO ()
main = runProgram program P.>>= P.print
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