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Created February 26, 2019 21:02
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Short guide how to use Keycloak for connect Kubernetes with your LDAP-server and configure import of users and groups. It will allow you to configure RBAC for your users and use auth-proxy for secure Kubernetes Dasboard and another applications, which have no authentification from begining.

Keycloak Installation

Let's assume that you already have LDAP-server. It can be Active Directory, FreeIPA, OpenLDAP or something else. If you have no LDAP-server you can just use Keycloak for creating users directly on its interface, or connect another public oidc-providers (Google, Github, Gitlab), result will be same.

First you need to install Keycloak itself. You can install it separated or inside your Kubernetes-cluster. Usually if you have many Kubernetes-clusters, there a sense to install it separated. Otherwise you can just use ready helm-chart for Keycloak and install it into Kubernetes.

Keycloak uses database for storing data. By default it uses h2 for storing data locally, but you can also use postgress, mysql or mariadb. If you want to install Keycloak separated, you can just follow official documentation.

Federation configuration

First you need to create new realm. Realm - it is our application's environment. Every application can have own realm with own users and authorization settings. Master realm is using by Keycloak itself, we shouldn't use it for somthing else.

Select Add realm

Option Value
Name kubernetes
Display Name Kubernetes
HTML Display Name <img src="" width="400" \>

Kubernetes requires email verification passed for any user by default. This check will always return false since we are using our own LDAP-server. Let's disable providing this parameter to Kubernetes.

Client scopes --> Email --> Mappers --> Email verified (Delete)

Let's configure a federation, we should go:

User federation --> Add provider... --> ldap

Example configuration for FreeIPA:

Option Value
Console Display Name
Vendor Red Hat Directory Server
UUID LDAP attribute ipauniqueid
Connection URL ldaps://
Users DN cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org
Bind DN uid=keycloak-svc,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org
Bind Credential <password>
Allow Kerberos authentication: on
Kerberos Realm: EXAMPLE.ORG
Server Principal: HTTP/
KeyTab: /etc/krb5.keytab

The user keycloak-svc should be created in LDAP-server beforehand.

In Active Directory case, you can simple use Vendor: Active Directory setting, and all the parameters will be added automatically.

Press Save

And go:

User federation --> --> Mappers --> First Name

Option Value
Ldap attribure givenName

Now we need to enable grpups mapping:

User federation --> --> Mappers --> Create

Option Value
Name groups
Mapper type group-ldap-mapper
LDAP Groups DN cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org

Federation configured, let's move to client configuration.

Client configuration

We need to create new client (application which will get users from Keycloak). Go:

Clients --> Create

Option Value
Client ID kubernetes
Access Type confidenrial
Root URL
Valid Redirect URIs*
Admin URL

Also create new scope for the groups:

Client Scopes --> Create

Option Value
Template No template
Name groups
Full group path false

And configure mapper for them:

Client Scopes --> groups --> Mappers --> Create

Option Value
Name groups
Mapper Type Group membership
Token Claim Name groups

Now we need to enable mapping of the groups in our client scope:

Clients --> kubernetes --> Client Scopes --> Default Client Scopes

Select groups in Available Client Scopes and press Add selected

Now we will configure authentifaction for our application, go:

Clients --> kubernetes

Option Value
Authorization Enabled ON

Press save and now client configuration is finished. On the tab

Clients --> kubernetes --> Credentials

you can take the Secret which we will use on the next steps.

Kubernetes configuration

Kubernetes configuration for OIDC-authentification is quite trivial. All what you need is just put CA-certificate from your OIDC-server into /etc/kubernetes/pki/oidc-ca.pem and add needed options to kube-apiserver.

Update /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml an all your masters:

  - command:
    - kube-apiserver
    - --oidc-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/oidc-ca.pem
    - --oidc-client-id=kubernetes
    - --oidc-groups-claim=groups
    - --oidc-issuer-url=
    - --oidc-username-claim=email

Also update your kubeadm-config on the cluster, to not lost this settings during upgrade:

kubectl edit -n kube-system configmaps kubeadm-config
  ClusterConfiguration: |
        oidc-ca-file: /etc/kubernetes/pki/oidc-ca.pem
        oidc-client-id: kubernetes
        oidc-groups-claim: groups
        oidc-username-claim: email

Now Kubernetes is configured. You can repeat these steps on all your Kubernetes-clusters.

Initial Authorization

After these steps you already have Kubernetes cluster with OIDC-authorization. One more thing that your users still have no configured client and own kubeconfig file. For solve that you should confugre automatic issuance of kubeconfig to users after successful authorization.

You can use special web-applications, which can do initial authentication and generate kubeconfig file for download. The most useful - is Kuberos, it allows to specify all your Kubernetes-clusters in single kubeconfig file, and easily swith between them.

To configure Kuberos you just need to create template for kubeconfig and run it with the next parameters:

kuberos kubernetes /cfg/secret /cfg/template

For more details see Usage section on Github.

You can also use kubelogin if you want to authorize user directly on the his computer. In this case user will see the authorization page on the localhost.

The final kubeconfig you can check on site. Just copy value of users[] from kubeconfig into form on the site and immediately get a transcription.


When configuring RBAC you can refer on username (field name in jwt-token), same like user groups (field group in jwt-token). Example role binding for the group kubernetes-default-namespace-admins:

kind: Role
  name: default-admins
  namespace: default
- apiGroups:
  - '*'
  - '*'
  - '*'
kind: RoleBinding
  name: kubernetes-default-namespace-admins
  namespace: default
  kind: Role
  name: default-admins
- apiGroup:
  kind: Group
  name: kubernetes-default-namespace-admins

More examples for RBAC you can find on official Kubernetes documentation page

Auth-proxy configuration

There is awesome project keycloak-gatekeeper, which allows you for secure any application, providing authentication page to user. I'll show an example for Kubernetes Dashboard:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: kubernetes-dashboard-proxy
  replicas: 1
        app: kubernetes-dashboard-proxy
      - args:
        - --listen=
        - --discovery-url=
        - --client-id=kubernetes
        - --client-secret=<your-client-secret-here>
        - --redirection-url=
        - --enable-refresh-tokens=true
        - --encryption-key=ooTh6Chei1eefooyovai5ohwienuquoh
        - --upstream-url=https://kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
        - --resources=uri=/*
        image: keycloak/keycloak-gatekeeper
        name: kubernetes-dashboard-proxy
        - containerPort: 80
              path: /oauth/health
              port: 80
            initialDelaySeconds: 3
            timeoutSeconds: 2
              path: /oauth/health
              port: 80
            initialDelaySeconds: 3
            timeoutSeconds: 2
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubernetes-dashboard-proxy
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    app: kubernetes-dashboard-proxy
  type: ClusterIP
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