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Last active November 15, 2023 14:14
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LINSTOR fix wrong storage pool in version before 1.25 (error: Storage driver 'LVM_THIN' not allowed for volume.)
# make backup
kubectl get crds | grep -o ".*" | xargs kubectl get crds -ojson > crds.json
kubectl get crds | grep -o ".*" | xargs -i{} sh -xc "kubectl get {} -ojson > {}.json"
# collect resources in weird states:
cat | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.resource_flags>1024) | "\(.spec.resource_name) \(.spec.node_name) \(.spec.resource_flags)"' -r > list.txt
# reset them to 0:
while read res node flags; do cat | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.resource_name==$res and .spec.node_name==$node) | .spec.resource_flags=0' --arg res $res --arg node $node -r ; done < list.txt > fix.json
kubectl delete -f fix.json
kubectl create -f fix.json
# # collect all diskful resources according to flags (0 - means diskful)
# cat | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.resource_flags==0) | "\(.spec.resource_name) \(.spec.node_name) \(.spec.resource_flags)"' -r > list.txt
# # collect ids of layervolumes from layers
# while read res node flags; do cat | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.resource_name==$res and .spec.node_name==$node and .spec.layer_resource_kind=="STORAGE") | .spec.layer_resource_id' --arg res $res --arg node $node ; done < list.txt | sort -V > ids.txt
# # Prepare fix for layerstoragevolumes
# cat | jq '.items[]' -c | grep -E "\"layer_resource_id\":($(cat ids.txt | paste -s | sed 's/\t/\|/g'))" | grep DFLTDISKLESSSTORPOOL > fix.json
# sed -i 's|"provider_kind":"DISKLESS"|"provider_kind":"LVM_THIN"|g' fix.json
# sed -i 's|"stor_pool_name":"DFLTDISKLESSSTORPOOL"|"stor_pool_name":"THINDATA"|g' fix.json
# kubectl delete -f fix.json
# kubectl create -f fix.json
# collect all diskful resources according to flags (0 - means diskful)
cat | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.resource_flags==0) | "/RESOURCES/\(.spec.node_name)/\(.spec.resource_name)"' -r > list.txt
# prepare fix for propscontainers
cat | jq -c '.items[]' | grep "$(cat list.txt | paste -s -d',' | sed 's/,/\\|/g')" | grep DfltDisklessStorPool > fix2.json
sed -i 's/DfltDisklessStorPool/thindata/g' fix2.json
kubectl delete -f fix2.json
kubectl create -f fix2.json
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