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Last active April 10, 2024 08:27
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How to include progressbar with doParallel (previously done only with the doSNOW-package) and foreach loop. Note, that you can easily wrap this into a function.
# Choose number of iterations
n <- 100
# Progress combine function
f <- function(iterator){
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = iterator - 1, style = 3)
count <- 0
function(...) {
count <<- count + length(list(...)) - 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
cbind(...) # this can feed into .combine option of foreach
# Start a cluster
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), type='SOCK')
# Run the loop in parallel
result <- foreach(i = icount(n), .combine = f(n)) %dopar% {
## Or without the iterators dependency
# result <- foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = f(n)) %dopar% {
# rnorm(10)
#Stop the cluster
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For me this did not work - the progress bar remained invisible until the very end, when it suddenly reached 100%. See the slow code below:

result <- foreach(i = icount(n), .combine = f(n)) %dopar% {


result <- foreach(i = icount(n), .combine = f(n)) %dopar% {

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