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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Grunt include tag parser

A custom grunt task to include files in HTML files.

  • basePath contains the path to your project's root
  • viewsDir contains the path to the folder containing the unparsed HTML files within basePath

The parser will parse the files in viewsDir and write them to your project's root.

Files can be included by creating "include tags".

{{ include "inc/header.html" }}

The script starts searching for the file from the project's root.

grunt.registerTask('parse-includes', 'Parse include tags in HTML files', function(){
//projects root and
//HTML files folder
var basePath = 'public/',
viewsDir = 'views/',
//get all HTML files in folder
htmlFiles = grunt.file.expand(basePath+viewsDir+'*.html'),
var replaceTags = function(){
//get array of tags used in file
var tags = currFileContents.match(/\{\{\sinclude\s\".+\"\s\}\}/gm);
//if there are tags found
if(tags !== null){
//loop tags
//get filepath specified in tag
var filePath = basePath+(currTag.match(/\{\{\sinclude\s\"(.+)\"\s\}\}/)[1]);
//if specified file exists
if( grunt.file.exists(filePath) ){
//replace tag with file contents
currFileContents = currFileContents.replace(currTag,;
} else {
grunt.log.warn(filePath + ' does not exist');
return true;
} else {
return false;
//loop HTML files
//get current file contents
currFileContents =;
//extract filename from path
var fileName = currFilePath.replace(basePath+viewsDir, '');
//write parsed file to root/filename
grunt.file.write(basePath+fileName, currFileContents);
grunt.log.ok(basePath+fileName+' created from '+currFilePath);
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