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Created March 26, 2014 19:28
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Save kvignos/9791305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pangea Data Mapping and Integrity
$time_start = microtime( true );
//mysql setup
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'root';
$pass = 'root';
$db = 'wordpress';
$mysqli = new mysqli( $host, $user, $pass, $db );
$warnings = 0;
$successes = 0;
/* loop through all the blogs */
$blogs_array = array('about', 'autopia', 'beyond_the_beyond', 'business', 'dangerroom', 'design', 'gadgetlab', 'gamelife', 'magazine', 'opinion', 'playbook', 'rawfile', 'reviews', 'threatlevel', 'underwire', 'wiredenterprise', 'wiredscience');
//$blogs_array = array('autopia');
foreach ($blogs_array as $blog) {
/* left outer join to check both old and new wp_posts to make sure all old published posts are in new table */
$sql = "SELECT old.ID AS old_id, old.post_date AS old_post_date, old.post_name AS old_post_name, old.post_title AS old_post_title,
old.post_status AS old_post_status, old.post_type AS old_post_type, new.ID AS new_id, new.post_name AS new_post_name, new.post_title AS new_post_title
FROM wp_" . $blog . "_posts old
LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_posts new
ON old.post_date = new.post_date
AND old.post_title = new.post_title
AND old.post_content = new.post_content
AND old.post_status = new.post_status
AND old.post_type = new.post_type
WHERE old.post_status = 'publish'
AND old.post_type = 'post' ";
$res = $mysqli->query( $sql );
while( $row = $res->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
$old_id = $row['old_id'];
$old_post_date = $row['old_post_date'];
$old_post_name = $row['old_post_name'];
$old_post_title = $row['old_post_title'];
$new_id = $row['new_id'];
$new_post_name = $row['new_post_name'];
$new_post_title = $row['new_post_title'];
if ( $new_id ) {
/* get attachment children - find matching _wp_attached_file */
$sql2 = "SELECT old_posts.ID AS old_attachment_id, old_postmeta.meta_value AS old_attached_file FROM wp_" . $blog . "_posts old_posts, wp_" . $blog . "_postmeta old_postmeta WHERE old_posts.post_parent = " . $old_id . " AND old_posts.post_type = 'attachment' AND old_posts.ID = old_postmeta.post_id AND old_postmeta.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'";
$res2 = $mysqli->query( $sql2 );
$count2 = 0;
while( $row2 = $res2->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
// check to make sure the attachment maps
$old_attachment_id = $row2['old_attachment_id'];
$old_attached_file = $row2['old_attached_file'];
$sql3 = "SELECT new_posts.ID AS new_attachment_id, new_postmeta.meta_value AS new_attached_file
FROM wp_posts new_posts, wp_postmeta new_postmeta
WHERE new_postmeta.meta_value LIKE '%" . $old_attached_file .
"' AND new_posts.post_parent = " . $new_id .
" AND new_posts.post_type = 'attachment'
AND new_posts.ID = new_postmeta.post_id
AND new_postmeta.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'";
$res3 = $mysqli->query( $sql3 );
if ( $res->num_rows > 0 ) {
while( $row3 = $res3->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
$new_attachment_id = $row3['new_attachment_id'];
$new_attached_file = $row3['new_attached_file'];
printf("SUCCESS: old attachment : " . $old_attachment_id . "|" . $old_attached_file . "| new: " . $new_attachment_id . "|" . $new_attached_file . "\n");
} else {
printf( "WARNING: " . $blog . " attachment post " . $old_attachment_id . " with parent post " . $old_id . "is missing in the new DB for parent post " . $new_id . ".\n" );
/* check for term mapping */
$sql2 = "SELECT old_terms.slug AS old_slug FROM wp_" . $blog . "_terms old_terms, wp_" . $blog . "_term_taxonomy old_term_taxonomy, wp_" . $blog . "_term_relationships old_term_relationships WHERE old_term_relationships.object_id = " . $old_id . " AND old_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = old_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AND old_term_taxonomy.term_id = old_terms.term_id";
$res2 = $mysqli->query( $sql2 );
while( $row2 = $res2->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
$old_slug = $row2['old_slug'];
$sql3 = "SELECT new_terms.slug AS new_slug FROM wp_terms new_terms, wp_term_taxonomy new_term_taxonomy, wp_term_relationships new_term_relationships WHERE new_term_relationships.object_id = " . $new_id . " AND new_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = new_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AND new_term_taxonomy.term_id = new_terms.term_id AND new_terms.slug = '" . $old_slug . "'";
$res3 = $mysqli->query( $sql3 );
while( $row3 = $res3->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
if ( $res3->num_rows > 0 ) {
$new_slug = $row3['new_slug'];
printf("SUCCESS: post " . $old_id . " old term : " . $old_slug . "| new term: " . $new_slug . "\n");
} else {
printf( "WARNING: term " . $old_slug . " not mapped for post " . $old_id . ".\n" );
/* check for valid post author */
$sql2 = "SELECT new_posts.ID, new_posts.post_author AS new_post_author FROM wp_users new_users, wp_posts new_posts WHERE new_posts.ID = " . $new_id . " AND new_posts.post_author = new_users.ID ";
$res2 = $mysqli->query( $sql2 );
if ( $res2->num_rows > 0 ) {
while( $row2 = $res2->fetch_assoc( ) ) {
printf("SUCCESS: valid post author on post " . $new_id . ".\n");
} else {
printf( "WARNING: invalid post author on post " . $new_id . ".\n" );
} else {
printf( "WARNING: " . $blog . " post " . $old_id . "|" . $old_post_date . "| is missing or mismatched in the new DB.\n" );
printf( strtoupper( $blog ) . " Data Mapping and Integrity Checks Complete. | " . $warnings . " warnings | " . $successes . " successes \n" );
$warnings = 0;
$successes = 0;
/* close connection */
$time_end = microtime( true );
//dividing with 60 will give the execution time in minutes otherwise seconds
$execution_time = ( $time_end - $time_start )/60;
//execution time of the script
printf("Total Execution Time: " . $execution_time . " mins \n");
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