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Forked from justinloring/MMS2019_Slide_Download.ps1
Last active November 1, 2021 13:38
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MMS 2019 - Download Slides
# #
# File: CopyMMSDE2018Files.ps1 #
# Author: Duncan Russell #
# #
# Edited: Andrew Johnson #
# #
# Evan Yeung #
# #
# Chris Kibble #
# #
# Jon Warnken #
# #
# Oliver Baddeley Edited For #
# Desert Edition #
# Edited for MMS2019 #
# Kevin Simon #
# #
$baseLocation = 'C:\Temp\Conferences\MMS'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$web = Invoke-WebRequest '' -SessionVariable mms
$c = $host.UI.PromptForCredential('Sched Credentials', 'Enter Credentials', '', '')
$form = $web.Forms[1]
$form.fields['username'] = $c.UserName
$form.fields['password'] = $c.GetNetworkCredential().Password
"Logging in..."
$mmsHome = Invoke-WebRequest '' -WebSession $mms
$htmlDate = $mmsHome.ParsedHtml.IHTMLDocument3_GetElementById('sched-sidebar-filters-dates')
$htmlPopoverBody = $htmlDate.getElementsByClassName('popover')
$htmlDateList = $htmlPopoverBody[0].getElementsByTagName('li')
$MMSDates = @()
$htmlDateList | ForEach-Object {
out-null -InputObject $($_.innerHTML -match "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}")
$MMSDates += $matches[0]
$web = Invoke-WebRequest '' -WebSession $mms -Method POST -Body $form.Fields
if(-Not ($web.InputFields.FindByName("login"))) {
ForEach ($Date in $MMSDates) {
"Checking day '{0}' for downloads" -f $Date
$sched = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $("" + $Date + "/list/descriptions") -WebSession $mms
$links = $sched.Links
$eventsIndex = @()
$links | ForEach-Object { if(($_.href -like "*/mmsmiami/*") -and ($_.innerText -notlike "here")) {
$eventsIndex += (, ($links.IndexOf($_), $_.innerText))
} }
$i = 0
While($i -lt $eventsIndex.Count) {
$eventTitle = $eventsIndex[$i][1]
$eventTitle = $eventTitle -replace "[^A-Za-z0-9-_. ]", ""
$eventTitle = $eventTitle.Trim()
$eventTitle = $eventTitle -replace "\W+", "_"
$links[$eventsIndex[$i][0]..$(if($i -eq $eventsIndex.Count - 1) {$links.Count-1} else {$eventsIndex[$i+1][0]})] | ForEach-Object {
if($_.href -like "*hosted_files*") {
$downloadPath = $baseLocation + '\mmsmiami\' + $Date + '\' + $eventTitle
$filename = $_.href
$filename = $filename.substring(40)
# Replace HTTP Encoding Characters (e.g. %20) with the proper equivalent.
$filename = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($filename)
# Replace non-standard characters
$filename = $filename -replace "[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-_ ]", ""
# Remove 7 characters added to filenames in 2019
$filename = $filename.Substring(7)
$outputFilePath = $downloadPath + '\' + $filename
# Reduce Total Path to 255 characters.
$outputFilePathLen = $outputFilePath.Length
If($outputFilePathLen -ge 255) {
$fileExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($outputFilePath)
$newFileName = $outputFilePath.Substring(0,$($outputFilePathLen - $fileExt.Length))
$newFileName = $newFileName.Substring(0, $(255 - $fileExt.Length)).trim()
$newFileName = "$newFileName$fileExt"
$outputFilePath = $newFileName
if((Test-Path -Path $($downloadPath)) -eq $false) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $downloadPath | Out-Null }
if((Test-Path -Path $outputFilePath) -eq $false)
"...attempting to download '{0}'" -f $filename
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.href -OutFile $outputfilepath -WebSession $mms
Unblock-File $outputFilePath
} else {
"Login failed. Exiting script."
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