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Created August 13, 2015 15:03
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Redis Cache
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NLog;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class RedisCache : ICache
private readonly IConfiguration _config;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;
public RedisCache(
IConfiguration config,
ILogger logger,
IConnectionMultiplexer connection)
_config = config;
_logger = logger;
_redis = connection;
public T GetOrAdd<T>(string key, Func<T> expression, TimeSpan? expiration = null) where T : class
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");
IDatabase db = null;
var fullKey = BuildFullKey<T>(key);
if (_redis.IsConnected)
db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var cacheResult = db.StringGet(fullKey);
if (cacheResult.HasValue)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(cacheResult);
catch (TimeoutException ex)
T result = expression();
if (db != null && result != null)
db.StringSet(fullKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result), expiration, flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
return result;
public IEnumerable<T> GetOrAdd<T>(string key, Func<IEnumerable<T>> expression, TimeSpan? expiration = null) where T : class
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");
IDatabase db = null;
var fullKey = BuildFullKey<T>(key);
if (_redis.IsConnected)
db = _redis.GetDatabase();
if (db.KeyExists(fullKey))
var cacheResult = db.SetMembers(fullKey);
if (cacheResult != null)
return cacheResult.Select(x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(x)).ToList();
catch (TimeoutException ex)
IEnumerable<T> results = expression();
if (db != null && results != null)
var values = results.Select(x => (RedisValue)JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x)).ToArray();
db.SetAdd(fullKey, values, flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
db.KeyExpire(fullKey, expiration, flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
return results;
public void AddOrUpdate<T>(string key, T value, TimeSpan? expiration = null) where T : class
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
throw new ArgumentException("Must be non-empty", "key");
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
IDatabase db = null;
var fullKey = BuildFullKey<T>(key);
if (_redis.IsConnected)
db = _redis.GetDatabase();
db.StringSet(fullKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value), expiration);
catch (TimeoutException ex)
public void Remove<T>(string key) where T : class
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
throw new ArgumentException("Must be non-empty", "key");
IDatabase db = null;
var fullKey = BuildFullKey<T>(key);
if (_redis.IsConnected)
db = _redis.GetDatabase();
catch (TimeoutException ex)
private string BuildFullKey<T>(string key)
return String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", _config.CachePrefix, typeof(T).Name, key);
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