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Forked from RedBrogdon/hint.txt
Last active May 17, 2019 22:03
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DartPad Cheatsheet Codelab - 5 - Collection literals
This exercise is fairly straightforward. Just add a list, set, or map literal after each equals sign.
See the codelab text for the correct syntax to use.
// Assign this a list containing 'a', 'b', and 'c' in that order:
final aListOfStrings =
// Assign this a set containing 3, 4, and 5:
final aSetOfInts =
// Assign this a map of String to int so that aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] returns 12:
final aMapOfStringsToInts =
// Assign this an empty List<double>:
final anEmptyListOfDouble =
// Assign this an empty Set<String>:
final anEmptySetOfString =
// Assign this an empty Map of double to int:
final anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts =
// Assign this a list containing 'a', 'b', and 'c' in that order:
final aListOfStrings = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
// Assign this a set containing 3, 4, and 5:
final aSetOfInts = {3, 4, 5};
// Assign this a map of String to int so that aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] returns 12:
final aMapOfStringsToInts = {'myKey': 12};
// Assign this an empty List<double>:
final anEmptyListOfDouble = <double>[];
// Assign this an empty Set<String>:
final anEmptySetOfString = <String>{};
// Assign this an empty Map of double to int:
final anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts = <double, int>{};
void main() {
final errs = <String>[];
if (aListOfStrings is! List<String>) {
errs.add('aListOfStrings should have the type List<String>.');
} else if (aListOfStrings.length != 3) {
errs.add('aListOfStrings has ${aListOfStrings.length} items in it, rather than the expected 3.');
} else if (aListOfStrings[0] != 'a' || aListOfStrings[1] != 'b' || aListOfStrings[2] != 'c') {
errs.add('aListOfStrings doesn\'t contain the correct values (\'a\', \'b\', \'c\').');
if (aSetOfInts is! Set<int>) {
errs.add('aSetOfInts should have the type Set<int>.');
} else if (aSetOfInts.length != 3) {
errs.add('aSetOfInts has ${aSetOfInts.length} items in it, rather than the expected 3.');
} else if (!aSetOfInts.contains(3) || !aSetOfInts.contains(4) || !aSetOfInts.contains(5)) {
errs.add('aSetOfInts doesn\'t contain the correct values (3, 4, 5).');
if (aMapOfStringsToInts is! Map<String, int>) {
errs.add('aMapOfStringsToInts should have the type Map<String, int>.');
} else if (aMapOfStringsToInts['myKey'] != 12) {
errs.add('aMapOfStringsToInts doesn\'t contain the correct values (\'myKey\': 12).');
if (anEmptyListOfDouble is! List<double>) {
errs.add('anEmptyListOfDouble should have the type List<double>.');
} else if (anEmptyListOfDouble.isNotEmpty) {
errs.add('anEmptyListOfDouble should be empty.');
if (anEmptySetOfString is! Set<String>) {
errs.add('anEmptySetOfString should have the type Set<String>.');
} else if (anEmptySetOfString.isNotEmpty) {
errs.add('anEmptySetOfString should be empty.');
if (anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts is! Map<double, int>) {
errs.add('anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts should have the type Map<double, int>.');
} else if (anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts.isNotEmpty) {
errs.add('anEmptyMapOfDoublesToInts should be empty.');
if (errs.isEmpty) {
} else {
_result(false, errs);
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