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Forked from samask/awk-expense-calculator.awk
Created May 2, 2021 11:16
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Awk Expense Calculator, by Ward Cunningham
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Source:
/^[A-Z]+[A-Z0-9]*$/ {
if (sums[$1] == "" || $1 == "SUM") {
sums[$1] = sum # Define Symbol
$1 = sum
sum = 0
else {
$1 = sums[$1] # Dereference Symbol
($1+0) != 0 {$1 = sprintf("%7.2f", $1)} # Pretty Print
$2 == "*" {$1 *= $3} # Explicit Calculations
$2 == "/" {$1 /= $3}
$2 == "DB" {$1 = -$1}
$2 == "CR" {$1 = -$1}
NF == 0 {sum = 0} # Implicit Summation
{sum += $1}
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