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Last active March 1, 2016 16:35
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title: Writing A Post date: 2020-01-01 00:01:00 tags: Hexo layout: draft categories: Blog

How to add different elements to your blog. Everything above the more line below will appear as a slug on the Home page. The reader will need to click on the button to read the remainder of the post.

Theme FAQ Tag Plugins

Writing a Post

Block Quote

Perfect for adding quotes to your post, with optional author, source and title information.

Alias: quote

{% blockquote [author[, source]] [link] [source_link_title] %} content {% endblockquote %}


No arguments. Plain blockquote.

{% blockquote %} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit lacus ut purus iaculis feugiat. Sed nec tempor elit, quis aliquam neque. Curabitur sed diam eget dolor fermentum semper at eu lorem. {% endblockquote %}

Quote from a book

{% blockquote David Levithan, Wide Awake %} Do not just seek happiness for yourself. Seek happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy. {% endblockquote %}

Quote from Twitter

{% blockquote @uk1fan %} Proud to be a part of the team from @CSX that participated in the ALA "Fight for Air" Climb this morning in Jacksonville. #CSXServes {% endblockquote %}

Quote from an article on the web

{% blockquote Seth Godin Welcome to Island Marketing %} Every interaction is both precious and an opportunity to delight. {% endblockquote %}

Code Block

Useful feature for adding code snippets to your post.

Alias: code

{% codeblock [title] [lang:language] [url] [link text] %} code snippet {% endcodeblock %}


A plain code block

{% codeblock %} alert('Hello World!'); {% endcodeblock %}

Specifying the language

{% codeblock lang:objc %} [rectangle setX: 10 y: 10 width: 20 height: 20]; {% endcodeblock %}

Adding a caption to the code block

{% codeblock %}[, thisArg]) {% endcodeblock %}

Adding a caption and a URL

{% codeblock _.compact Underscore.js %} _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]); => [1, 2, 3] {% endcodeblock %}

Backtick Code Block

This is identical to using a code block, but instead uses three backticks to delimit the block.

[language] [title] [url] [link text] code snippet

Pull Quote

To add pull quotes to your posts:

{% pullquote [class] %} content {% endpullquote %}


To embed a jsFiddle snippet:

{% jsfiddle shorttag [tabs] [skin] [width] [height] %}


To embed a Gist snippet:

{% gist gist_id [filename] %}


To embed an iframe:

{% iframe url [width] [height] %}


Inserts an image with specified size.

{% img [class names] /path/to/image [width] [height] [title text [alt text]] %}


Inserts a link with target="_blank" attribute.

{% link text url [external] [title] %}

Include Code

Inserts code snippets in source/downloads/code folder.

{% include_code [title] [lang:language] path/to/file %}


Inserts a YouTube video.

{% youtube video_id %}


Inserts a Vimeo video.

{% vimeo video_id %}

Include Posts

Include links to other posts.

{% post_path slug %} {% post_link slug [title] %}

Include Assets

Include post assets.

{% asset_path slug %} {% asset_img slug [title] %} {% asset_link slug [title] %}


If certain content is causing processing issues in your posts, wrap it with the raw tag to avoid rendering errors.

{% raw %} content {% endraw %}

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