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Last active March 22, 2021 17:36
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Mastermind board game (with guessing algorithm)
import random
class CodeMaker(object):
def make_code(self):
code maker invents a secret code
raise NotImplemented()
def give_feedback(self, guess):
:param guess: guess made by code breaker
:return: feedback that evaluates guess against secret code
raise NotImplemented()
class CodeBreaker(object):
def make_guess(self):
:return: guess code
raise NotImplemented()
def receive_feedback(self, guess, feedback):
code breaker may use feedback information to select next guess code
:param guess: last guess made by code breaker
:param feedback: feedback information from code maker
raise NotImplemented()
class HumanCodeMaker(CodeMaker):
def __init__(self, game_master, auto_feedback=False):
self._game_master = game_master
self._auto_feedback = auto_feedback
self._code = None
def make_code(self):
# user enters secret code
while self._code is None:
self._code = self._game_master.validate_code(input("Enter secret code: "))
except ValueError as e:
print("Entered code is invalid: {}".format(e))
def give_feedback(self, guess):
# user enters feedback for guess code based on his secret code
if self._code is not None:
if self._auto_feedback:
feedback = ""
for guessed_color, actual_color in zip(guess, self._code):
if guessed_color == actual_color:
feedback += 'b'
elif guessed_color in self._code:
feedback += 'w'
feedback += '.'
return feedback
while True:
guess_as_string = "".join([str(color) for color in guess])
return self._game_master.validate_feedback(
input("Enter feedback for {}: ".format(guess_as_string)))
except ValueError as e:
print("Entered feedback is invalid: {}".format(e))
raise ValueError("no code to provide feedback for")
class ComputerCodeMaker(CodeMaker):
def __init__(self, game_master):
self._game_master = game_master
self._code = None
def make_code(self):
# computer invents a random secret code
self._code = self._game_master.random_code()
def give_feedback(self, guess):
# computer gives automated feedback based on guess and secret code
if self._code is not None:
feedback = ""
for guessed_color, actual_color in zip(guess, self._code):
if guessed_color == actual_color:
feedback += 'b'
elif guessed_color in self._code:
feedback += 'w'
feedback += '.'
return feedback
raise ValueError("no code to provide feedback for")
class HumanCodeBreaker(CodeBreaker):
def __init__(self, game_master):
self._game_master = game_master
def make_guess(self):
# user enters next guess
while True:
return self._game_master.validate_code(input("Enter code: "))
except ValueError as e:
print("Entered code is invalid: {}".format(e))
def receive_feedback(self, guess, feedback):
# user receives feedback (already made visible by the game master)
class ComputerCodeBreaker(CodeBreaker):
def __init__(self, game_master):
self._game_master = game_master
# valid_guess matrix (n_positions, n_colors) describes
# all possible guesses by enumerating (position, color) pairs
self._valid_guess = [[True for _ in range(game_master.n_colors)] for _ in range(game_master.n_positions)]
# set of all yet unseen colors
self._unseen_colors = set([color for color in range(game_master.n_colors)])
# set of all right colors
self._right_colors = set()
# flag whether all right colors have been found
self._right_colors_found = False
def make_guess(self):
current_guess = [None] * self._game_master.n_positions
# remove colors that are wrong
colors_to_check = [color in self._right_colors or color in self._unseen_colors for color in
# make a greedy guess based on the information provided by code maker so far
return self._make_guess(current_guess, colors_to_check)
def _make_guess(self, current_guess, colors_to_check, current_position=0):
# performs depth first search for a valid guess using information in the guess matrix
# for selecting a color in any given position
if current_position == self._game_master.n_positions:
# guess has been made so return it
return current_guess
# prepare all viable colors at this position given information so far
valid_colors = [color for color in range(self._game_master.n_colors)
if colors_to_check[color] and self._valid_guess[current_position][color]]
# shuffle colors to add some randomness to the selection
# then prioritize colors according to following rules (highest priority is smallest):
# 0 color has not been tried so far
# 1 color is right
# 2 color has not been tried but will be in current guess
key=lambda color: 2 * int(color + 1 in current_guess) if color in self._unseen_colors else 1)
# try each valid color in current position until a valid guess has been found
if self._game_master.duplicates_allowed:
for color in valid_colors:
current_guess[current_position] = color + 1
if self._make_guess(current_guess, colors_to_check, current_position + 1) is not None:
return current_guess
for color in valid_colors:
colors_to_check[color] = False
current_guess[current_position] = color + 1
if self._make_guess(current_guess, colors_to_check, current_position + 1) is not None:
return current_guess
colors_to_check[color] = True
# no color was valid in this position so go back to previous position and continue search from there
return None
def receive_feedback(self, guess, feedback):
# updates guess matrix according to the information from code maker
for pos, (peg, color) in enumerate(zip(feedback, guess)):
if color - 1 in self._unseen_colors:
self._unseen_colors.remove(color - 1)
# guessed color is in the right position
if peg == 'b':
if not self._game_master.duplicates_allowed:
# guessed color may not be repeated in another position
# invalidate corresponding matrix entries
for _pos in range(self._game_master.n_positions):
self._valid_guess[_pos][color - 1] = False
# no other color may be used for this position
# invalidate corresponding matrix entries
for _col in range(self._game_master.n_colors):
self._valid_guess[pos][_col] = False
# update matrix entry to reflect correctly guessed color in this position
self._valid_guess[pos][color - 1] = True
self._right_colors.add(color - 1)
# guessed color is right but in a wrong position
elif peg == 'w':
# this color must appear in some other position
self._valid_guess[pos][color - 1] = False
self._right_colors.add(color - 1)
# wrong color
# guessed color does not appear in the code
# invalidate all entries corresponding to this color
for _pos in range(0, self._game_master.n_positions):
self._valid_guess[_pos][color - 1] = False
# if all guessed colors are right there is no need to check yet unseen colors
if not self._right_colors_found:
if self._check_right_colors_found():
self._unseen_colors = set()
self._right_colors_found = True
def _check_right_colors_found(self):
if not self._game_master.duplicates_allowed:
# if duplicates are not allowed check if right color for each position was found
return len(self._right_colors) == self._game_master.n_positions
# else make sure there are no unseen colors
return not self._unseen_colors
class Mastermind(object):
def __init__(self, n_colors=6, n_positions=4, duplicates_allowed=True):
if not duplicates_allowed and n_positions > n_colors:
raise ValueError("not enough colors for this number of positions")
self.n_colors = n_colors
self.n_positions = n_positions
self.duplicates_allowed = duplicates_allowed
def validate_code(self, code):
code = [int(color) for color in code]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError("code must be an iterable of numbers")
if len(code) != self.n_positions:
raise ValueError("code must consist of exactly {} colors".format(self.n_positions))
if not self.duplicates_allowed and len(set(code)) != self.n_positions:
raise ValueError("duplicates are not allowed")
for color in code:
if not 1 <= color <= self.n_colors:
raise ValueError("color must be a number between 1 and {} (inclusive)".format(self.n_colors))
return code
def validate_feedback(self, feedback):
if len(feedback) != self.n_positions:
raise ValueError("feedback must consist of exactly {} pegs".format(self.n_positions))
for peg in feedback:
if peg not in "bw.":
raise ValueError("peg must be one of following: 'b', 'w', '.'")
return feedback
def random_code(self, duplicates_allowed=None):
if duplicates_allowed is None:
duplicates_allowed = self.duplicates_allowed
elif duplicates_allowed is True and self.duplicates_allowed is False:
raise ValueError("duplicates are not allowed")
if duplicates_allowed:
return [random.randint(1, self.n_colors) for _ in range(self.n_positions)]
return random.sample(range(1, self.n_colors + 1), self.n_positions)
def _is_guess_correct(feedback):
if feedback is not None:
for peg in feedback:
if peg != 'b':
return False
return True
return False
def play_mastermind(code_maker, code_breaker):
while True:
guess = code_breaker.make_guess()
if guess is not None:
feedback = code_maker.give_feedback(guess)
guess_as_string = "".join([str(color) for color in guess])
print(guess_as_string, feedback)
if _is_guess_correct(feedback):
code_breaker.receive_feedback(guess, feedback)
print("Guess could not be made. Make sure your input is valid.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
usage: [-h] [-colors COLORS] [-positions POSITIONS] [--maker]
[--breaker] [--no_duplicates] [--auto_feedback] [--rules]
play mastermind board game
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-colors COLORS number of colors
-positions POSITIONS number of positions in code
--maker play as code maker
--breaker play as code breaker
--no_duplicates disallow duplicate colors
--auto_feedback automatically give feedback when user is playing as
code maker
--rules show rules and exit
import argparse
_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="play mastermind board game")
_parser.add_argument("-colors", type=int, default=6, help="number of colors")
_parser.add_argument("-positions", type=int, default=4, help="number of positions in code")
_parser.add_argument("--maker", action="store_true", default=False, help="play as code maker")
_parser.add_argument("--breaker", action="store_true", default=False, help="play as code breaker")
_parser.add_argument("--no_duplicates", action="store_true", default=False, help="disallow duplicate colors")
_parser.add_argument("--auto_feedback", action="store_true", default=False,
help="automatically give feedback when user is playing as code maker")
_parser.add_argument("--rules", action="store_true", default=False, help="show rules and exit")
_args = _parser.parse_args()
if _args.rules:
User may assume any of the two roles: code maker or code breaker.
Role(s) not selected by the user will be played by computer.
Code maker invents a secret code and provides feedback to the code breaker.
Code breaker tries to guess the secret code invented by the code maker.
Code is a combination of {} colors numbered from 1 to {}.
Colors may{}repeat.
Feedback is a sequence of markers for each position.
There are three valid markers:
b right color in the right position
w right color in a wrong position
. wrong color""".format(_args.positions, _args.colors, " not " if _args.no_duplicates else " "))
_game_master = Mastermind(_args.colors, _args.positions, not _args.no_duplicates)
if _args.maker:
print("Code maker is played by the user.")
_code_maker = HumanCodeMaker(_game_master, _args.auto_feedback)
print("Code maker is played by computer.")
_code_maker = ComputerCodeMaker(_game_master)
if _args.breaker:
print("Code breaker is played by the user.")
_code_breaker = HumanCodeBreaker(_game_master)
print("Code breaker is played by computer.")
_code_breaker = ComputerCodeBreaker(_game_master)
play_mastermind(_code_maker, _code_breaker)
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