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Last active November 2, 2019 04:00
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Kyle is a frontend platform engineer at Eventbrite. He is tasked with providing a consistent and efficient developer experience by building a stable and robust ecosystem while maintaining our innovative nature. Prior to his current position, Kyle held various engineering roles for companies ranging from credit unions to video platforms which provided him the opportunity to learn from various technical setups and fueled his passion for Node and Javascript. In addition to coding and building, Kyle is passionate about the community and helps organize Nodevember, a Node/JavaScript conference in Nashville–a fully volunteer run event. Kyle frequently talks about JavaScript, ReactJS, and other programming adventures at various conferences to share his expertise and knowledge with those learning to grow in the field.

Potential Titles

  • Find your Andy: Building with the end-user in mind
  • Find your Persona: Building with the end-user in mind


"Would this make Andy sad?", this is something I ask myself a lot as I build new features. You may be thinking, "Who is Andy?". Andy is the persona of my ideal end user for my projects. Andy is not going to use my project day in and day out. However, he will expect it to be simple when he does. In this case, Andy is a real person, but creating persona for your project is key for ensuring their experience is ideal. Throughout this talk, we will discuss what personas are, examples of how to build one, and way they can help keep your project productive.


Have you ever stopped during a project and thought, "How would my grandma use this?", "Could my spouse find the information easily?", or "Would this make my co-worker sad if they had to use it?". These types of questions can be extremely eye opening during a project life cycle.

Building a user persona can start as simply as asking yourself different questions such as:

  • Are they going to use [your project] once a day or once a year?
  • What do they get out of using [your project]?
  • What will make them never use [your project] again?

Defining your end user can help you see the app through their eyes. Focusing on their perspective can help determine the experience, usability, and future of your project.

Potential Titles

  • Expect More: Getting Started with JavaScript Testing


The importance of testing is consistently proclaimed as invaluable. However many developers are doing it wrong or not at all. Testing is no simple task and can be daunting for newcomers to start. Let's start with the basic of getting a consistent setup and understand of introductory testing. Throughout this workshop, lets cover the ins and outs of Jest to test JavaScript functions and React Components. Leave with the confidence to battle-harden your projects utilizing tests.


JavaScript for many years has been the wild west of programming. Testing for many has meant pushing to production and hoping for the best. As JavaScript has modernized, test frameworks has also progressed to equal heights. Leaving us with the all important question of, "How do I properly test this?"

Along with understanding how to test, there is a persistent pull on our time. Testing is typically is the part of a feature or project that is dropped due to time lines. Leveraging and integrating tests in the development work flow can heighten code confidence, increase maintainability, and simplify debugging. Enjoy these array of exercises to solidify your appreciation of the art of testing.

Potential Titles

  • Git it Done: Effective Feature Development


"Can I delete this?", "Who wrote this?", "I wish we could release faster." Have you found yourself asking these questions? If so you are in luck! Source control is much more than just a history of work. Come learn how to leverage git to parallelize development, to improve processes, to facilitate mentorship, to increase standardization.


Source control can easily be seen as only a caretaker for history and has so much more power that can be leveraged to increase productivity.

Throughout this session we will cover basics of git such as branches, commits, and remotes. Building from this base knowledge we will explorer real world patterns that have helped teams be more productive. The journey will continue with us exploring how to extend git using tools like GitHub and TravisCI that can be used to create reviews, validate commits, and foster collaboration.

You will leave with a solid knowledge of git and the understanding of ways integrating it into their flow.

Potential Titles

  • Web development is terrible, you should try it!
  • Taming the Wilderness - An Overview of the JavaScript Ecosystem


JavaScript has found its industrial revolution! There has never been a better time to be a JavaScript developer. However, it can be daunting to jump into alone. Let's make JavaScript more approachable by breaking down its ecosystem and examining the comparable tools.


JavaScript has long been one-dimensional leading to long spaghetti files and no standards in sight. Although those cowboy times are still fresh for a lot of us, the JavaScript ecosystem has grown leaps and bounds in recent years. Unfortunately, it has grown so quickly and aggressively those not being cut on the bleeding edge can find themselves overwhelmed. This high barrier could make the most experience of developers wary. with its new tools, varying options, and framework fatigue.

Throughout this session, we will pull back the covers on JavaScript and the ecosystem. Our adventure begin as we look into npm (node package manager) and the introduction of packages which have empowered open-source and stimulated the JavaScript community. Building off of that, we will examine the JavaScript takeover and how it has broken away from just being run on the browser. Finally, we will step away from the code and look at the tools that the developer experience second to none.

Attends will leave empowered to jump directly into existing modern JavaScript application and the confidence to start their own.

Potential Titles

  • The Architect's Guide to Migrations


Has your architecture gone awry for far too long? Has updated in place left you limited? Is it time to make a radical change? Let's talk through approaches and strategy of making extreme sweeping changes to your architecture.


Introducing a new framework, changing repository patterns, or wanting to setup a proper foundation for your teams to build on. Large sweeping changes can be time consuming, meticulous, and error prone.

Throughout this talk, we will discuss:

  • Reducing friction during large sweeping changes
  • Creating efficient automation
  • Finding light at the end of the migration tunnel

Attendees should leave with the confidence on being able to move from a monolith to a mono-repo or mutli-repo architecture, make sweeping contract breaking changes, and tactics to stay motivated and innovative during mundane tasks. This talk will focus on first hand experience over the course of multiple migrations and other large scale changes affecting multiple applications and teams.

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