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Forked from kerin/
Last active March 15, 2017 22:35
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Local Kubernetes/Deis environment

Local Kubernetes / Deis environment setup (Mac edition)

  1. Install Kubernetes (minikube)

    1. Install VirtualBox or VMWare Fusion

    2. Install minikube:

       $ brew install minikube

      or download the latest release manually

    3. Create and start the Kubernetes VM:

       $ minikube start --vm-driver=$VM_DRIVER --disk-size=60g --memory=4096

      Where $VM_DRIVER is one of virtualbox or vmwarefusion. Disk size and RAM allocations should be enough to deploy a couple of typical apps, but may be overboard for a quick test.

  2. Install kubectl to interact with the cluster:

     $ curl -Lo kubectl
     $ chmod +x kubectl
     $ mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
  3. Check Kubernetes cluster is running:

     $ kubectl cluster-info
     Kubernetes master is running at
  4. Install helm, a Kubernetes package manager

    1. Pipe the internet straight into your shell:

       $ curl -sSL | bash
    2. Move the downloaded binary somewhere sensible:

       $ mv helm /usr/local/bin/
  5. Install Deis command line tools 1.

     	$ curl -sSL | bash
     	$ mv deis /usr/local/bin/
  6. Deploy Deis Workflow on Kubernetes via Helm 5. Check helm can connect to your Kubernetes cluster:

     	$ helm version
    1. Add the Deis 'chart' repo

       $ helm repo add deis
    2. Create Deis resources in Kubernetes cluster

       $ helm install deis/workflow --namespace deis --set router.host_port.enabled=true
    3. Monitor Deis pods until everything has started:

       $ kubectl --namespace=deis get pods -w

      This watches get pods output. Once all pods are in READY state, ctrl+c to cancel and you're good to go

    4. Register a Deis admin user

       $ deis register http://deis.$(minikube ip)

      This uses minikube ip to get your VMs IP, and to provide wildcard DNS, so that http://appname.$ will work

  7. Deploy a sample application 6. Create a Deis app, with no git remote

     	$ deis create --no-remote
     	Creating Application... done, created proper-barbecue
     	If you want to add a git remote for this app later, use `deis git:remote -a proper-barbecue`
     Make a note of the app name.
    1. Deploy a sample Go app

       $ deis pull deis/example-go -a proper-barbecue
       Creating build... done
    2. View your sample app

       $ curl http://proper-barbecue.$(minikube ip)
       Powered by Deis
    3. Try Heroku-like things:

       $ deis config:set POWERED_BY="Docker Images + Kubernetes" -a proper-barbecue
       Creating config... done
       $ curl http://proper-barbecue.$(minikube ip)
       Powered by Docker Images + Kubernetes
       $ deis scale cmd=2 -a proper-barbecue
       Scaling processes... but first, coffee!
       done in 36s
       === proper-barbecue Processes
       --- cmd:
       proper-barbecue-v18-cmd-rk644 up (v18)
       proper-barbecue-v18-cmd-0ag04 up (v18)
    4. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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