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Created August 3, 2023 19:35
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A simple link shortener built with Deno. Run with `deno run --allow-net --unstable server.ts`
const kv = await Deno.openKv();
Deno.serve(async (request: Request) => {
// Create short links
if (request.method == "POST") {
const body = await request.text();
const { slug, url } = JSON.parse(body);
const result = await kv.set(["links", slug], url);
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result));
// Redirect short links
const slug = request.url.split("/").pop() || "";
const url = (await kv.get(["links", slug])).value as string;
if (url) {
return Response.redirect(url, 301);
} else {
const m = !slug ? "Please provide a slug." : `Slug "${slug}" not found`;
return new Response(m, {
status: 404,
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