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Created March 5, 2012 17:13
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Trying to scope back to currentView
class window.PlacementFiltersView extends Backbone.View
el: "#placements form#filters"
initialize: ->
currentView = @
# Create a hash of labels for the filter type-aheads
@filterLabels = []
jQuery(@el).find('.filter-top-level option').each ->
if jQuery(@).val() isnt ''
label = {
forInput: jQuery(@).val()
labelText: jQuery(@).text()
currentView.filterLabels.push label
@currentView = currentView
"submit form": "noop"
# "click #search": "applyFilters"
"change .filter-top-level": "addFilterTypeAhead"
addFilterTypeAhead: (event) ->
el = jQuery(
parentUl = jQuery(el).parents('ul.filter-row:first')
unless el.val() is ''
for label in @currentView.filterLabels #Make sure the label exists, then create the type-ahead
if label["forInput"] is el.val()
filter = new PlacementFilterTypeAhead({id: el.val(), name: el.val(), label: label["labelText"]})
view = new PlacementFilterTypeAheadView(model: filter)
newFilterLi = view.render().el
filterInput = jQuery(newFilterLi).find('input')
parentUl.append newFilterLi
filterInput.tokenInput tokenSource,
preventDuplicates: true
theme: "rounded"
onAdd: (token) ->
el.attr('value', '') # Reset the select box
true #propegate event
applyFilters: ->
console.log jQuery(@el).find("#filters").serialize()
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