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Blockchain and Ethereum resources

Blockchain and Ethereum resources

From the Coursera Specialization

Course 1 - Blockchain Basics

Week 1

Bitcoin and Blockchain

Paper: Bitcoin Whitepaper
Paper: Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree
Website: What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners
Website: Blockchain: The Invisible Technology That's Changing the World

Blockchain Structure

Website: Unspent Transaction Output, UTXO
Website: Unspent Transaction Output, UTXO (different source)
Website: How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto

Basic Operations

Website: How does the Blockchain Work? (Part 1)
Website: How Does the Blockchain Work?

Beyond Bitcoin

Website: A Gentle Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Website: On Public and Private Blockchains
Website: What is Cryptocurrency. Guide for Beginners
Website: 2017 Was Bitcoin's Year. 2018 Will Be Ethereum's
Website: What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Need To Know
Website: What is the Difference Between Public and Permissioned Blockchains?

Week 2

Smart Contracts

Website: Smart Contracts: The Blockchain Technology That Will Replace Lawyers
Website: Introduction to Smart Contracts
Website: What is Ethereum?

Ethereum Structure

Paper: Smart Contracts: A White Paper
Website: Account Management
Website: Native: Account management

Ethereum Operations

Website: How Ethereum Works
Website: What Is Meant By The Term “Gas”?

Incentive Model

Website: Vitalik Buterin Doubles Down on Ethereum Incentive Strategy
Website: Ether
Website: Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake: Basic Mining Guide

Week 3

Algorithms and Techniques

Website: What Is Public-Key Cryptography?
Website: Asymmetric Cryptography (Public-Key Cryptography)
Video: Public Key Cryptography - Computerphile


Website: What Is Hashing? Under The Hood of Blockchain
Video: SHA: Secure Hashing Algorithm - Computerphile
Website: Hash Functions
Website: Blockchain Demo

Transaction Integrity

Website: How Safe Are Blockchains? It Depends. Website: Blockchains: Embedding Integrity

Securing Blockchain

Website: Securing the Blockchain
Website: Is It Chain of Headers Rather Than a Chain of Blocks?
Website: What is a Block Header in Bitcoin?

Week 4

Decentralized Systems

Website: Blockchain Based Trust & Authentication For Decentralized Sensor Networks
Video: How the Blockchain will Radically Transform the Economy

Consensus Protocol

Website: A (Short) Guide to Blockchain Consensus Protocols
Website: Review of blockchain consensus mechanisms
Video: Blockchain Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED


Website: How The Blockchain Is Redefining Trust


Website: Have Blockchain Forks Shown Hayek to be Right or Wrong?
Website: Split on Forks? Blockchain Leaders Learn Tough Lessons from Bitcoin Scaling
Video: Bitcoin, Blockchain Forks & Lightning

Course 2 - Smart Contracts

Week 1

Why Smart Contracts?

Paper: Smart Contract: Building blocks for digital markets
Website: How to Learn Solidity: The Ultimate Ethereum Coding Guide
Website: Remix- Solidity IDE

Smart Contracts Defined

Website: Structure of a Contract
Website: Camel Case
Website: Introduction to Smart Contracts

Processing Smart Contracts

Website: Account Types, Gas, and Transactions

Deploying Smart Contracts

Website: Ethereum, Tokens, and Smart Contracts
Website: Decoding the Enigma of Bitcoin Mining

Week 2

Solidity Structure

Website: What is Solidity? Our Guide to the Language of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Video: Intro to Solidity 2017 Edition
Video: Ethereum Smart Contracts In Solidity 1 - State, Functions, Modifiers and Events

Basic Data Types & Statements

Website: Solidity Frequently Asked Questions
Website: Types

Specific Data Types

Video: Learning Solidity : Tutorial 6 Data Types (Array, Mapping, Struct)
Website: Units and Globally Available Variables
Website: Solidity Tutorials

Data Structures

Website: Types
Website: Enums
Website: Liquid Democracy uses Blockchain to Fix Politics, and Now You Can Vote for It

Access Modifiers & Applications

Website: Contracts

Week 3

Developing Smart Contracts

Website: Voting

Time Elements

Website: Enum
Website: Time Units

Validation & Test

Website: Solidity Learning: Revert(), Assert(), and Require() in Solidity, and the New REVERT Opcode in the EVM

Client Applications

Website: Technical Introduction to Events and Logs in Ethereum
Video: Capturing Smart Contract Events in our User Interface (Solidity)

Week 4

Course 3

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Course 4 - Blockchain Platforms

Week 1

Linux's Hyperledger

Website: About hyperledger
Website: Hyperledger tutorial
Video: What is Hyperledger? Brian Behlendorf Explains the Linux Foundation's Blockchain Initiative
Website: Hyperledger Fabric
Video: An introduction to Hyperledger Fabric from The Linux Foundation
Website: Microsoft And The Blockchain: MSFT's Big Projects
Website: Blockchain as a Service (Baas)

Fabric Services

Video: Main three components of Hyperledger Fabric
Website: Peer channel-based event services
Website: Architecture Explained
Website: APIs - CLI, REST, and Node.js
Video: Blockchain Development on Hyperledger Fabric using Composer : What is Hyperledger?

Fabric Model and Functions

Website: Hyperledger Fabric Model
Article: Hyperledger Fabricdocs Documentation
Article: Hyperledger Architecture, Volume 1
Video: How to Write a Model (.cto) File For Hyperledger Fabric


Video/Website: Hyperledger Composer
Video: What is Hyperledger Composer from The Linux Foundation with Dan Selman
Website: Hyperledger Composer Modeling Language
Article: Model and test your blockchain network

Microsoft Azure

Website: What is Microsoft Azure, Anyway?
Video: Tour of Microsoft Azure
Website: Simplifying blockchain app development with Azure Blockchain Workbench

Week 2


Website: What Is Augur?
Paper: Augur white paper
Website: Augur: The World’s Most Undervalued Crypto Project
Video: Augur in 2 Minutes


Website: ConsenSys Introduces Grid-Based Solution For Energy Inefficiency
Video: GridPlus - What is Grid+?
Paper: GRID+ white paper

Week 3


Website: Basic Primer: Blockchain Consensus Protocol
Website: Consensus Achieved Using Proof-of-Work
Video: Consensus and Mining on the Blockchain
Video: How nodes reach a consensus on a blockchain


Website: Blockchain Scalability: When, Where, How?
Website: Scalability Tradeoffs: Why “The Ethereum Killer” Hasn’t Arrived Yet
Video: Can Blockchain Solve Its Scalability Problem?
Video: Brock Pierce from Blockchain Capital explains the scalability problems for Bitcoin

Privacy & Confidentiality

Website: Smart Contracts: Privacy vs Confidentiality
Website and video: Can This Man Build a Better Bitcoin?

Escrow & Multi-sig

Website: Two party contracts
Website: How A Smart Contract replaced An Escrow Company in a $60k deal
Video: Ultimate Intro to Ethereum Ðapp Development [Part 8] - Smart Contracts - Escrow
Video: BURST Decentralize Escrow Service Smart Contracts
Website: Toward an Ethereum Multisig Standard

Week 4

Interplanetary File System (IPFS)

Website: What is the InterPlanetary File System?
Video: IPFS Alpha Demo
Paper: IPFS white paper
Website: An Introduction to IPFS
Video: An Introduction to The Interplanetary File System
Video: The next Internet Revolution | Juan Benet | TEDxSanFrancisco
Website: What's Yeoman?


Article: Hashgraph Consensus: Detailed Examples
Video: What Is Hedera Hashgraph?
Website: Hashgraph wants to give you the benefits of blockchain without the limitations
Website: Demystifying Hashgraph: Benefits and Challenges
Website: Hedera Hashgraph Thinks It Can One-Up Bitcoin And Ethereum With Faster Transactions
Video: What is Hashgraph and how will it replace the Blockchain?!

Blockchain: Social Imperative

Website: Commentary: How Blockchain Could Replace Social Security Numbers
Website: Blockchain and U.S. state governments: An initial assessment

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Thank you David. . .

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