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Last active November 29, 2023 16:17
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Automate getting Kerberos tickets with kinit using secret-tool


I often have to get multiple Kerberos tickets and I do this with kinit kkleine@REDHAT.COM for example. Then I have to enter my password. This is annoying. The script kinit-wrapper helps me use the secret-tool to store passwords in the default keyring on the first run and later pull them out of the keyring.

First run

Here's an example of a first run:

$ kinit-wrapper 
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...NO PASSWORD FOUND. Please, enter it in the next step!
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...OK
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@IPA.REDHAT.COM"...NO PASSWORD FOUND. Please, enter it in the next step!
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@IPA.REDHAT.COM"...OK
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"...NO PASSWORD FOUND. Please, enter it in the next step!
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"...OK

Second run

On a second run, I'm not asked for the password which is nice:

$ kdestroy -A && kinit-wrapper
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...FOUND
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...OK
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@IPA.REDHAT.COM"...FOUND
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@IPA.REDHAT.COM"...OK
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"...FOUND
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"...OK


In case there's an error getting a Kerberos token, we'll tell you and assume that most likely you've mistyped your password:

$ kdestroy -A && kinit-wrapper 
Checking for password for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...FOUND
Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM"...ERROR
Shall we remove the secret for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM" so that you can enter it again on the next run? (Y/N): Y
Removing password for principal "kkleine@REDHAT.COM".
Now run kinit-wrapper again!

When you run kinit-wrapper again it will prompt for the password for that prinicipal again.

# Purpose: Get multiple kerberos tokens without having to enter passwords all the time.
# Author: Konrad Kleine
set +x
# TODO: Add your Kerberos principals here:
# Optionally uncomment this if you want to be reminded about connecting to VPN first.
#host >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
# echo "ERROR: Must be connected to the Red Hat VPN first!" 2>&1
# exit 1
for principal in ${principals[@]}; do
echo -n "Checking for password for principal \"$principal\"..."
secret-tool search label $key_name 2>&1 | grep attribute.label >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "NO PASSWORD FOUND. Please, enter it in the next step!"
secret-tool store --label="$key_name" \
label $key_name \
uuid $(uuidgen) created "$(date)"
echo "FOUND"
echo -n "Attempting to get a Kerberos token for principal \"$principal\"..."
secret-tool lookup label $key_name | /usr/bin/kinit $principal > /dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR"
while true; do
read -r -p "Shall we remove the secret for principal \"$principal\" so that you can enter it again on the next run? (Y/N): " answer
case $answer in
[Yy]* )
echo "Removing password for principal \"$principal\"".
secret-tool clear label $key_name;
echo "Now run $(basename $0) again!"
[Nn]* )
echo "Exiting"
exit 1;;
* ) echo "Please answer Y or N.";;
exit 1
echo "OK"
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