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Last active November 30, 2017 10:04
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import deque
class TaskGraph(object):
''' simple acyclic, directed property graph with iteration
use case:
1) model nodes as dicts and dependencies as directed edges (name=occ -> name=twist)
2) start with all nodes colored down (_st=0)
3) iter() to return reachable, down nodes (_st=0)
4) as nodes are started, mark them up with mark_node_up() to free child nodes for
iteration (sets self.nodes[id]['_st']=1)
>>> t = TaskGraph()
>>> a = t.add_node({'name': 'a'})
>>> b = t.add_node({'name': 'b'})
>>> c = t.add_node({'name': 'c'})
>>> t.add_edge(a, b)
>>> t.add_edge(b, c)
>>> for x in t:
>>> print t.get_node(x)['name']
>>> t.mark_node_up(x)
1) relies on monotonically increasing key ids which map to indexes
2) does not do cycle detection
def __init__(self, nodes=[], edges=[]):
self.nodes = nodes
self.edges = edges
self.idx = -1
def __iter__(self):
while 1:
nodes = self._get_ready_nodes()
if nodes == None: break
for node in nodes: yield node
def _incr_id(self):
self.idx = self.idx + 1
return self.idx
def _get_ready_nodes(self):
''' returns a list of nodes ready to be started '''
red_nodes = [ x['_id'] for x in self.nodes if x['_st'] == 0 ]
if not red_nodes: return None
ready_nodes = deque()
for nid in red_nodes:
ready, parent = True, False
## iterate over edges looking for ready, parents
for edge in self.edges:
if edge[0] == nid and self.nodes[edge[1]]['_st'] != 1: ready = False
if edge[1] == nid: parent = True
if ready:
## prioritize parents
if parent: ready_nodes.appendleft(nid)
else: ready_nodes.append(nid)
return list(ready_nodes)
def add_node(self, node):
''' adds a new node to the dataset '''
node['_id'] = self._incr_id()
node['_st'] = 0
return node['_id']
def get_node(self, nid):
''' getter method for fetching a node by index/id '''
return self.nodes[nid]
def get_label(self, nid):
''' getter method for fetching a nodes label by id '''
return self.get_node(nid)['_name']
def mark_node_up(self, nid):
''' marks a node as up '''
self.nodes[nid]['_st'] = 1
def add_edge(self, a_id, b_id):
''' adds a new directed edge from node a to node b
takes index ids of nodes as returned by add_node()
if (a_id, b_id) in self.edges: return
else: self.edges.append( (a_id, b_id) )
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