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Created August 16, 2016 00:57
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cold `./pants list ::`
pre gc, post-execution object count deltas
tuple 10409897 +10400188
set 7851229 +7845649
list 5010959 +4998632
StepRequest 3989446 +3989446
Entry 2572224 +2572224
dict 2305074 +2290623
TaskNode 2287304 +2287304
Return 1326623 +1326623
Noop 1245601 +1245601
Path 829217 +829216
Paths 466665 +466664
cell 434308 +433466
FileDigest 394347 +394347
Address 286807 +286807
FilesystemNode 284919 +284919
File 262504 +262504
PrimitiveField 228305 +228305
PathGlobs 200900 +200900
function 215424 +200535
PathWildcard 160454 +160454
PathDirWildcard 145205 +145205
Dir 145022 +145021
FilteredPaths 143334 +143334
TargetAdaptor 121683 +121683
Dirs 89920 +89920
DirectoryListing 84895 +84895
SourcesField 75243 +75243
Payload 52508 +52508
Files 49849 +49849
FileContent 48432 +48432
Scope 47689 +47680
LegacyTarget 47415 +47415
OrderedSet 47418 +47415
UnhydratedStruct 47415 +47415
EagerFilesetWithSpec 38591 +38591
ExcludesField 30996 +30996
HydratedField 28563 +28563
Collection(FileDigest) 24656 +24656
OrderedDict 24344 +24206
Collection(FileContent) 24205 +24205
BuildFiles 24205 +24205
AddressFamily 24205 +24205
PythonTargetAdaptor 17988 +17988
Globs 15221 +15221
LazyFilesetWithSpec 10824 +10824
FingerprintedField 9610 +9610
ScalaLibrary 9050 +9050
Exclude 7735 +7714
Target 5552 +5552
RGlobs 5551 +5551
PythonBinary 5497 +5497
JavaTests 5254 +5254
ManifestEntries 4805 +4805
BundleAdaptor 3993 +3993
JavaThriftLibrary 3670 +3670
JvmAppAdaptor 2574 +2574
JvmBinary 2573 +2573
JavaLibrary 2527 +2527
TwitterHadoopBinary 2085 +2085
Resources 2045 +2045
PythonLibrary 1864 +1864
Artifact 1793 +1793
ScalaArtifact 1682 +1682
PythonTests 1633 +1633
BundleProps 1350 +1350
RelativeToMapper 1333 +1333
JvmApp 1287 +1287
BundlesField 1287 +1287
BundleField 1287 +1287
JarLibrary 816 +816
JarsField 816 +816
PythonThriftLibrary 815 +815
Dataset 805 +805
RubyThriftLibrary 769 +769
PythonRequirement 750 +746
Requirement 751 +746
JarDependency 1063 +745
PythonRequirementLibrary 623 +623
PythonRequirementsField 623 +623
OptionHistoryRecord 5940 +498
Link 455 +455
ReadLink 455 +455
GoRemoteLibrary 352 +352
OptionHistory 4142 +335
weakref 5314 +175
ScalaJarDependency 136 +136
TwitterHeronBinary 136 +136
ProvidesTupleField 110 +110
Page 110 +110
WikiArtifact 107 +107
RankedValue 1073 +107
Gem 61 +61
Registrar 54 +54
Node 37 +37
GoLibrary 35 +35
NodeTest 32 +32
ListValueComponent 274 +29
Addresses 22 +22
UnpackedJars 21 +21
JavaThriftstoreDMLLibrary 21 +21
DeferredSourcesField 21 +21
JavaProtobufLibrary 20 +20
ThriftJar 20 +20
wrapper_descriptor 1294 +19
Benchmark 16 +16
DirectoryReMapper 15 +15
Duplicate 14 +14
NodePackerModule 14 +14
GoBinary 14 +14
PrepCommand 12 +12
TwitterStormBinary 11 +11
instancemethod 181 +10
_BuildFileTargetFactoryMacro 10 +10
WeakSet 2319 +9
PythonArtifact 9 +9
type 1630 +9
JavaAntlrLibrary 9 +9
Macro 9 +9
OptionValueContainer 94 +8
JarRules 5 +5
Skip 4 +4
DictValueComponent 28 +4
ABCMeta 772 +3
ScalaJSLibrary 2 +2
defaultdict 16 +2
frozenset 107 +2
NodeModule 2 +2
NetrcCredentials 2 +2
ScalaJSBinary 2 +2
DependenciesNode 1 +1
AnnotationProcessor 1 +1
SourceRootFactory 1 +1
JavaAgent 1 +1
ScalaJSPlatform 1 +1
Java 1 +1
ManagedJarLibraries 1 +1
SourceRootTrie 1 +1
BuildDirs 1 +1
CreateThriftLibrariesSubsystem 1 +1
TwitterPants 1 +1
SourceRoots 1 +1
AliasTargetMacro 1 +1
ProvidedDependencyFactory 1 +1
PythonRequirements 1 +1
SelectDependencies 23 +1
FromTarget 1 +1
IntransitiveDependencyFactory 1 +1
property 1374 +1
ScalacPlugin 1 +1
PythonAntlrLibrary 1 +1
ScalaPlatform 1 +1
RelocateRule 56 +1
TwitterTestsSubsystem 1 +1
ScopedDependencyFactory 1 +1
SourceRootConfig 1 +1
PantsRequirement 1 +1
ParseContext 1 +1
BuildFilePath 1 +1
LegacyBuildGraph 2 +1
gc info
found 4914548 unreachable objects during gc
post gc, post-execution object count deltas
dict 2305022 -52
function 25764 -189660
cell 54988 -379320
tuple 9953138 -456759
list 902466 -4108493
warm `./pants list ::`
pre gc, post-execution object count deltas
list 1344081 +441937
dict 2698978 +394333
PrimitiveField 456573 +228268
set 7980165 +128934
tuple 10007990 +56279
cell 109108 +54120
Payload 104993 +52485
SourcesField 123210 +47967
Scope 95369 +47680
OrderedSet 94833 +47415
ExcludesField 61992 +30996
Address 302110 +15303
LazyFilesetWithSpec 21648 +10824
function 36588 +10824
EagerFilesetWithSpec 48556 +9965
FingerprintedField 19220 +9610
ScalaLibrary 18100 +9050
Target 11104 +5552
PythonBinary 10994 +5497
JavaTests 10508 +5254
ManifestEntries 9610 +4805
JavaThriftLibrary 7340 +3670
JvmBinary 5146 +2573
JavaLibrary 5054 +2527
TwitterHadoopBinary 4170 +2085
Resources 4090 +2045
PythonLibrary 3728 +1864
PythonTests 3266 +1633
BundleProps 2700 +1350
RelativeToMapper 2666 +1333
BundleField 2574 +1287
JvmApp 2574 +1287
JarLibrary 1632 +816
JarsField 1632 +816
PythonThriftLibrary 1630 +815
Dataset 1610 +805
RubyThriftLibrary 1538 +769
PythonRequirementLibrary 1246 +623
PythonRequirementsField 1246 +623
GoRemoteLibrary 704 +352
TwitterHeronBinary 272 +136
ProvidesTupleField 220 +110
Page 220 +110
GoLibrary 70 +35
NodeTest 64 +32
JavaThriftstoreDMLLibrary 42 +21
DeferredSourcesField 42 +21
UnpackedJars 42 +21
JavaProtobufLibrary 40 +20
Benchmark 32 +16
GoBinary 28 +14
NodePackerModule 28 +14
PrepCommand 24 +12
TwitterStormBinary 22 +11
JavaAntlrLibrary 18 +9
ScalaJSLibrary 4 +2
defaultdict 18 +2
NetrcCredentials 4 +2
ScalaJSBinary 4 +2
NodeModule 4 +2
ScalacPlugin 2 +1
PythonAntlrLibrary 2 +1
OrderedDict 24345 +1
JavaAgent 2 +1
AnnotationProcessor 2 +1
LegacyBuildGraph 3 +1
gc info
found 1 unreachable objects during gc
post gc, post-execution object count deltas
list 1344080 -1
dict 2698928 -50
tuple 10001836 -6154
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