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Last active April 22, 2024 21:54
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AngularJS directive for autoNumeric.js
// Directive for autoNumeric.js
// Require AngularJS, jQuery and autoNumeric.js
angular.module('crunch.ui.numeric', []).directive('crNumeric', [function () {
'use strict';
// Declare a empty options object
var options = {};
return {
// Require ng-model in the element attribute for watching changes.
require: '?ngModel',
// This directive only works when used in element's attribute (e.g: cr-numeric)
restrict: 'A',
compile: function (tElm, tAttrs) {
var isTextInput ='input:text');
return function (scope, elm, attrs, controller) {
// Get instance-specific options.
var opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.crNumeric));
// Helper method to update autoNumeric with new value.
var updateElement = function (element, newVal) {
// Only set value if value is numeric
if ($.isNumeric(newVal))
element.autoNumeric('set', newVal);
// Initialize element as autoNumeric with options.
// if element has controller, wire it (only for <input type="text" />)
if (controller && isTextInput) {
// watch for external changes to model and re-render element
scope.$watch(tAttrs.ngModel, function (current, old) {
// render element as autoNumeric
controller.$render = function () {
updateElement(elm, controller.$viewValue);
// Detect changes on element and update model.
elm.on('change', function (e) {
scope.$apply(function () {
else {
// Listen for changes to value changes and re-render element.
// Useful when binding to a readonly input field.
if (isTextInput) {
attrs.$observe('value', function (val) {
updateElement(elm, val);
} // compile
} // return
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hi! im using this autonumeric code on my angularJS app, but when the form is render the element it's dirty, so my required levels shows, do you know how to set dirty false at initialization

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a-magdy commented Apr 17, 2016

A pen for quick testing:

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Your directive works fine!! I'm getting just a problem and happens when the user tries to copy/paste some string.The directive is not invalidating the input data.

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kiasyn commented Mar 12, 2019

heres an updated version that allows clearing the value (by setting to null or undefined)

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