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Last active April 15, 2021 18:26
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imageJ Fiji Splitview macro
For multichannel visualization, 5 channel max
This macro will generate a montage of composite and splited channels in one RGB Image
You can still navigate through slices or frames.
Note : the Splitview image size can be heavy on big hyperstacks due to RGB conversion
Advice : draw a selection before running Spliview, the produced montage will be croped
The new version can ask tu user channel labels and add it in the Splitview with color corresponding to each LUTs.
var ChLabels = newArray("GFP","RFP","fRFP","DAPI","Brightfield");
var fontS = 30;
var Ch = newArray(1);
var chan = 1;
//This one will give a colored linear montage with labels :
macro "Splitview color [S]" {SplitView(1,0,1);}
main Splitview function : aguments works as follow :
color : 0 = grayscale , 1 = color
style : 0 = linear montage , 1 = squared montage , 2 = vertical montage
labels : 0 = no , 1 = yes.
function SplitView(color,style,labels) {
title = getTitle();
Setup_Splitview(color,labels);//up until split
if(style==1) squareView();
if(style==0) linearView();
if(style==2) verticalView();
rename(title + " Splitview");
setBatchMode("exit and display");
function Setup_Splitview(color,labels){
getDimensions(w, h, ch, Z, T);
if (ch == 1) exit("only one channel");
if (ch > 5) exit("5 channels max");
run("Duplicate...", "title=image duplicate");
if ((Z>1)&&(T==1)) {T=Z; Z=1; Stack.setDimensions(ch,Z,T); }
Ch = newArray(ch); chan = ch;
fontS = h/9;
run("Duplicate...", "title=split duplicate");
run("Split Channels");
if (labels) {
setFont("SansSerif", fontS, "bold antialiased");
rename("overlay"); Ch[0] = getTitle();
for (i = 1; i <= chan; i++) {
id = getImageID();
getLut(r, g, b);
setColor(r[255], g[255], b[255]);
if (!color) run("Grays");
if (Z*T>1) run("Flatten","stack");
else { run("Flatten"); selectImage(id); close(); }
else {
run("RGB Color", "frames");
rename("overlay"); Ch[0] = getTitle();
for (i = 1; i <= chan; i++) {
run("RGB Color", "slices");
function getSpVpref(){
Dialog.createNonBlocking("Labeled Prefs");
Dialog.addMessage("choose your weapon!");
Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Color style", newArray("Colored","Grayscale"), 1, 3, "Colored");
Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Montage style", newArray("Linear","Square","Vertical"), 1, 3, "Linear");;
color = Dialog.getRadioButton();
style = Dialog.getRadioButton();
if (color=="Colored" &&style=="Linear") SplitView(1,0,1);
else if(color=="Grayscale"&&style=="Linear") SplitView(0,0,1);
else if(color=="Colored" &&style=="Square") SplitView(1,1,1);
else if(color=="Grayscale"&&style=="Square") SplitView(0,1,1);
else if(color=="Colored" &&style=="Vertical") SplitView(1,2,1);
else if(color=="Grayscale"&&style=="Vertical") SplitView(0,2,1);
function getLabels(){
Dialog.createNonBlocking("Provide channel names");
for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) Dialog.addString("Channel "+a+1, ChLabels[a],12);
Dialog.addNumber("Font size", fontS);;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) {ChLabels[k] = Dialog.getString();}
fontS = Dialog.getNumber();
function squareView(){
C1_C2 = Combine_Hor(Ch[1],Ch[2]);
if (chan==2||chan==4)C1_C2_Ov = Combine_Hor(C1_C2,Ch[0]);
if (chan==3){ C3_Ov = Combine_Hor(Ch[3],Ch[0]); Combine_Ver(C1_C2,C3_Ov);}
if (chan>=4) C3_C4 = Combine_Hor(Ch[3],Ch[4]);
if (chan==4) Combine_Ver(C1_C2_Ov,C3_C4);
if (chan==5){ C1234 = Combine_Ver(C1_C2,C3_C4); C5_Ov = Combine_Ver(Ch[5],Ch[0]); Combine_Hor(C1234,C5_Ov);}
function linearView(){
C1_C2 = Combine_Hor(Ch[1],Ch[2]);
if (chan==2) Combine_Hor(C1_C2,Ch[0]);
if (chan==3){ C3_Ov = Combine_Hor(Ch[3],Ch[0]); Combine_Hor(C1_C2,C3_Ov);}
if (chan>=4){ C3_C4 = Combine_Hor(Ch[3],Ch[4]); C1234 = Combine_Hor(C1_C2,C3_C4);}
if (chan==4) Combine_Hor(C1234,Ch[0]);
if (chan==5){ C5_Ov = Combine_Hor(Ch[5],Ch[0]); Combine_Hor(C1234,C5_Ov);}
function verticalView(){
C1_C2 = Combine_Ver(Ch[1],Ch[2]);
if (chan==2) Combine_Ver(C1_C2,Ch[0]);
if (chan==3){ C3_Ov = Combine_Ver(Ch[3],Ch[0]); Combine_Ver(C1_C2,C3_Ov);}
if (chan>=4){ C3_C4 = Combine_Ver(Ch[3],Ch[4]);C1234= Combine_Ver(C1_C2,C3_C4);}
if (chan==4) Combine_Ver(C1234,Ch[0]);
if (chan==5){ C5_Ov = Combine_Ver(Ch[5],Ch[0]); Combine_Ver(C1234,C5_Ov);}
function Combine_Hor(stack1,stack2){ //returns result image title *.*
run("Combine...", "stack1=&stack1 stack2=&stack2");
return getTitle();
function Combine_Ver(stack1,stack2){
run("Combine...", "stack1=&stack1 stack2=&stack2 combine"); //vertically
return getTitle();
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