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Created November 2, 2010 14:47
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// CWCustomAccessoryView.h
// CustomAccessory
// Created by Cory Wiles on 10/8/10.
// Copyright (c) 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface CWCustomAccessoryView : UIControl {
UIColor *_accessoryColor;
UIColor *_strokeColor;
UIColor *_arrowColor;
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *accessoryColor;
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *strokeColor;
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *arrowColor;
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color;
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color accessoryStrokeColor:(UIColor *)sColor;
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color accessoryStrokeColor:(UIColor *)sColor accessoryArrowColor:(UIColor *)aColor;
// CWCustomAccessoryView.m
// CustomAccessory
// Created by Cory Wiles on 10/8/10.
// Copyright (c) 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "CWCustomAccessoryView.h"
#define kSize 25.0f
#define kArrowLeftPadding 3
#define kArrowLineWidth 2
@implementation CWCustomAccessoryView
@synthesize accessoryColor = _accessoryColor;
@synthesize strokeColor = _strokeColor;
@synthesize arrowColor = _arrowColor;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) {
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[_accessoryColor release];
[_strokeColor release];
[_arrowColor release];
[super dealloc];
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color {
CWCustomAccessoryView *ret = [[[CWCustomAccessoryView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, kSize, kSize)] autorelease];
ret.accessoryColor = color;
return ret;
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color accessoryStrokeColor:(UIColor *)sColor {
CWCustomAccessoryView *ret = [[[CWCustomAccessoryView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, kSize, kSize)] autorelease];
ret.accessoryColor = color;
ret.strokeColor = sColor;
return ret;
+ (CWCustomAccessoryView *)accessoryWithColor:(UIColor *)color accessoryStrokeColor:(UIColor *)sColor accessoryArrowColor:(UIColor *)aColor {
CWCustomAccessoryView *ret = [[[CWCustomAccessoryView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, kSize, kSize)] autorelease];
ret.accessoryColor = color;
ret.strokeColor = sColor;
ret.arrowColor = aColor;
return ret;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGRect smallerRectangle = CGRectInset(self.bounds, 2, 2);
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, self.accessoryColor.CGColor);
CGContextFillEllipseInRect(ctx, smallerRectangle);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, self.strokeColor.CGColor);
CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(ctx, smallerRectangle);
CGFloat x = CGRectGetMidY(smallerRectangle) + kArrowLeftPadding;
CGFloat y = CGRectGetMidY(smallerRectangle);
const CGFloat R = 4.5;
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, x - R, y - R);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x, y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x - R, y + R);
CGContextSetLineCap(ctx, kCGLineCapSquare);
CGContextSetLineJoin(ctx, kCGLineJoinMiter);
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, kArrowLineWidth);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, self.arrowColor.CGColor);
- (void)setHighlighted:(BOOL)highlighted {
[super setHighlighted:highlighted];
[self setNeedsDisplay];
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[self sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
- (UIColor *)accessoryColor {
if (!_accessoryColor) {
return [UIColor blackColor];
return _accessoryColor;
- (UIColor *)strokeColor {
if (!_strokeColor) {
return [UIColor blueColor];
return _strokeColor;
- (UIColor *)arrowColor {
if (!_arrowColor) {
return _strokeColor;
return _arrowColor;
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