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Created July 2, 2020 14:27
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jordi@ThinkSpoon:~/Downloads$ ./sigrok-cli-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage -d korad-kaxxxxp:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 --scan -l 5
sr: [00:00.000001] log: libsigrok loglevel set to 5.
sr: [00:00.001406] backend: libsigrok 0.6.0-git-3f48ab0/4:0:0.
sr: [00:00.001497] backend: Libs: glib 2.48.2 (rt: 2.62.4/6204:4), libzip 1.0.1, libserialport 0.1.1/1:0:1 (rt: 0.1.1/1:0:1), libusb-1.0 API 0x01000104, hidapi 0.8.0-rc1, bluez 5.37, libftdi 1.2.
sr: [00:00.001505] backend: Host: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, little-endian.
sr: [00:00.001509] backend: SCPI backends: TCP, RPC, serial, USBTMC.
sr: [00:00.001511] backend: Firmware search paths:
sr: [00:00.001524] backend: - /root/.local/share/sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.001526] backend: - /home/jenkins_slave/sr/share/sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.001528] backend: - /tmp/.mount_sigrok5z2EPG/usr/share/sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.001530] backend: - /usr/local/share/sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.001532] backend: - /usr/share/sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.002345] backend: Sanity-checking all drivers.
sr: [00:00.002464] backend: Sanity-checking all input modules.
sr: [00:00.002471] backend: Sanity-checking all output modules.
sr: [00:00.002477] backend: Sanity-checking all transform modules.
srd: libsigrokdecode loglevel set to 5.
sr: [00:00.006342] hwdriver: sr_config_list(): key 2147418112 (NULL) sdi (nil) cg NULL -> [uint32 20000, 20001]
sr: [00:00.006367] serial: Opening serial port '/dev/ttyACM0' (flags 1).
sr: [00:00.006641] serial: Parsing parameters from "9600/8n1".
sr: [00:00.008385] serial: Got params: rate 9600, frame 8/0/1, flow 0, rts -1, dtr -1.
sr: [00:00.008392] serial: Setting serial parameters on port /dev/ttyACM0.
sr: [00:00.008406] serial: DBG: serial_set_params() rate 9600, 8n1
sr: [00:00.008431] serial: Flushing serial port /dev/ttyACM0.
sr: [00:00.008437] korad-kaxxxxp: Want max 34 bytes.
sr: [00:00.008443] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending '*IDN?'.
sr: [00:00.008453] serial: Wrote 5/5 bytes.
sr: [00:00.053574] serial: Read 28/34 bytes.
sr: [00:00.098771] serial: Read 2/6 bytes.
sr: [00:04.525114] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: 'TENMA 72-2540 V5.2 SN:10830786'.
sr: [00:04.525155] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: 0, TENMA 72-2540 V5.2 SN:10830786
sr: [00:04.525177] korad-kaxxxxp: Found: Tenma 72-2540 (idx 13, ID 'TENMA 72-2540 V5.2').
sr: [00:04.525204] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending 'IOUT1?'.
sr: [00:04.525242] serial: Wrote 6/6 bytes.
sr: [00:04.546951] serial: Read 5/5 bytes.
sr: [00:04.547000] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: '0.000'.
sr: [00:04.547040] korad-kaxxxxp: value: 0.000000
sr: [00:04.605392] korad-kaxxxxp: Sleeping for processing 58177 usec
sr: [00:04.605441] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending 'ISET1?'.
sr: [00:04.605486] serial: Wrote 6/6 bytes.
sr: [00:04.627984] serial: Read 5/5 bytes.
sr: [00:04.628022] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: '1.000'.
sr: [00:04.628037] korad-kaxxxxp: value: 1.000000
sr: [00:04.685657] korad-kaxxxxp: Sleeping for processing 47368 usec
sr: [00:04.685709] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending 'VOUT1?'.
sr: [00:04.685755] serial: Wrote 6/6 bytes.
sr: [00:04.707880] serial: Read 5/5 bytes.
sr: [00:04.707930] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: '00.00'.
sr: [00:04.707951] korad-kaxxxxp: value: 0.000000
sr: [00:04.765910] korad-kaxxxxp: Sleeping for processing 57790 usec
sr: [00:04.765962] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending 'VSET1?'.
sr: [00:04.766009] serial: Wrote 6/6 bytes.
sr: [00:04.787876] serial: Read 5/5 bytes.
sr: [00:04.787922] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: '01.00'.
sr: [00:04.787944] korad-kaxxxxp: value: 1.000000
sr: [00:04.846125] korad-kaxxxxp: Sleeping for processing 58057 usec
sr: [00:04.846192] korad-kaxxxxp: Sending 'STATUS?'.
sr: [00:04.846239] serial: Wrote 7/7 bytes.
sr: [00:04.865785] serial: Read 1/1 bytes.
sr: [00:04.865838] korad-kaxxxxp: Received: ''.
sr: [00:04.865851] korad-kaxxxxp: Status: 0x12
sr: [00:04.865862] korad-kaxxxxp: Status: CH1: constant current CH2: constant voltage. Tracking would be series and independent. Output is disabled. OCP is disabled, OVP is disabled. Device is beeping.
sr: [00:04.865888] serial: Closing serial port /dev/ttyACM0.
sr: [00:04.866817] hwdriver: Scan found 1 devices (korad-kaxxxxp).
The following devices were found:
korad-kaxxxxp - Tenma 72-2540 with 2 channels: V I
sr: [00:04.866965] hwdriver: Cleaning up all drivers.
sr: [00:04.866993] serial: Closing serial port /dev/ttyACM0.
sr: [00:04.867012] serial-libsp: Cannot close unopened serial port /dev/ttyACM0.
jordi@ThinkSpoon:~/Downloads$ ./sigrok-cli-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage -d korad-kaxxxxp:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 --samples 3
I: 0 mA DC
V: 0.00 V DC
I: 0 mA DC
V: 0.00 V DC
I: 0 mA DC
V: 0.00 V DC
jordi@ThinkSpoon:~/Downloads$ ./sigrok-cli-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage -d korad-kaxxxxp:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 --show
Driver functions:
Power supply
Scan options:
korad-kaxxxxp - Tenma 72-2540 with 2 channels: V I
Supported configuration options:
continuous: on, off
limit_samples: 0 (current)
limit_time: 0 (current)
voltage: 0.000000 (current)
voltage_target: 0.000000, 31.000000, 0.010000
current: 0.000000 (current)
current_limit: 0.000000, 5.100000, 0.001000
enabled: on, off (current)
regulation: CC (current)
ocp_enabled: on, off (current)
ovp_enabled: on, off (current)
jordi@ThinkSpoon:~/Downloads$ ./sigrok-cli-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage -d korad-kaxxxxp:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 -c voltage_target=2.0 --set
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