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Last active January 9, 2018 07:46
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Jupyter notebook with Python 2 and 3 based on anaconda image.
FROM continuumio/anaconda
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-dev python3-dev python-pip python3-pip
RUN conda create -y -n py27 python=2.7
RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate py27"
RUN conda install -y notebook ipykernel
RUN ipython kernel install --user
RUN conda create -y -n py36 python=3.6
RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate py36 && conda install -y notebook ipykernel && ipython kernel install --user"
RUN echo '🔥❄⚡'
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kxxoling commented Dec 9, 2017

Use this like docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 9031ef4d8b6c jupyter notebook --ip='' --allow-root.

WARNING: This is just a demo instruction, use it at your own risk.

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