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Caffe NetSpec for ResNet architecture
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Caffe ResNet NetSpec example.
Compatible with Kaiming He's pre-trained models.
import sys
import caffe
from caffe import layers as L, params as P
def _conv_bn_scale(bottom, nout, bias_term=False, **kwargs):
'''Helper to build a conv -> BN -> relu block.
conv = L.Convolution(bottom, num_output=nout, bias_term=bias_term,
bn = L.BatchNorm(conv, use_global_stats=True, in_place=True)
scale = L.Scale(bn, bias_term=True, in_place=True)
return conv, bn, scale
def _resnet_block(name, n, bottom, nout, branch1=False, initial_stride=2):
'''Basic ResNet block.
if branch1:
res_b1 = 'res{}_branch1'.format(name)
bn_b1 = 'bn{}_branch1'.format(name)
scale_b1 = 'scale{}_branch1'.format(name)
n[res_b1], n[bn_b1], n[scale_b1] = _conv_bn_scale(
bottom, 4*nout, kernel_size=1, stride=initial_stride, pad=0)
initial_stride = 1
res = 'res{}_branch2a'.format(name)
bn = 'bn{}_branch2a'.format(name)
scale = 'scale{}_branch2a'.format(name)
n[res], n[bn], n[scale] = _conv_bn_scale(
bottom, nout, kernel_size=1, stride=initial_stride, pad=0)
relu2a = 'res{}_branch2a_relu'.format(name)
n[relu2a] = L.ReLU(n[scale], in_place=True)
res = 'res{}_branch2b'.format(name)
bn = 'bn{}_branch2b'.format(name)
scale = 'scale{}_branch2b'.format(name)
n[res], n[bn], n[scale] = _conv_bn_scale(
n[relu2a], nout, kernel_size=3, stride=1, pad=1)
relu2b = 'res{}_branch2b_relu'.format(name)
n[relu2b] = L.ReLU(n[scale], in_place=True)
res = 'res{}_branch2c'.format(name)
bn = 'bn{}_branch2c'.format(name)
scale = 'scale{}_branch2c'.format(name)
n[res], n[bn], n[scale] = _conv_bn_scale(
n[relu2b], 4*nout, kernel_size=1, stride=1, pad=0)
res = 'res{}'.format(name)
if branch1:
n[res] = L.Eltwise(n[scale_b1], n[scale])
n[res] = L.Eltwise(bottom, n[scale])
relu = 'res{}_relu'.format(name)
n[relu] = L.ReLU(n[res], in_place=True)
def resnet50(n, bottom):
'''ResNet 50 layers.
n.conv1, n.bn_conv1, n.scale_conv1 = _conv_bn_scale(
bottom, 64, bias_term=True, kernel_size=7, pad=3, stride=2)
n.conv1_relu = L.ReLU(n.scale_conv1)
n.pool1 = L.Pooling(
n.conv1_relu, kernel_size=3, stride=2, pool=P.Pooling.MAX)
_resnet_block('2a', n, n.pool1, 64, branch1=True, initial_stride=1)
_resnet_block('2b', n, n.res2a_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('2c', n, n.res2b_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('3a', n, n.res2c_relu, 128, branch1=True)
_resnet_block('3b', n, n.res3a_relu, 128)
_resnet_block('3c', n, n.res3b_relu, 128)
_resnet_block('3d', n, n.res3c_relu, 128)
_resnet_block('4a', n, n.res3d_relu, 256, branch1=True)
_resnet_block('4b', n, n.res4a_relu, 256)
_resnet_block('4c', n, n.res4b_relu, 256)
_resnet_block('4d', n, n.res4c_relu, 256)
_resnet_block('4e', n, n.res4d_relu, 256)
_resnet_block('4f', n, n.res4e_relu, 256)
_resnet_block('5a', n, n.res4f_relu, 512, branch1=True)
_resnet_block('5b', n, n.res5a_relu, 512)
_resnet_block('5c', n, n.res5b_relu, 512)
n.pool5 = L.Pooling(
n.res5c_relu, kernel_size=7, stride=1, pool=P.Pooling.AVE)
def resnet101(n, bottom):
'''ResNet 101 layers.
n.conv1, n.bn_conv1, n.scale_conv1 = _conv_bn_scale(
bottom, 64, bias_term=False, kernel_size=7, pad=3, stride=2)
n.conv1_relu = L.ReLU(n.scale_conv1)
n.pool1 = L.Pooling(
n.conv1_relu, kernel_size=3, stride=2, pool=P.Pooling.MAX)
_resnet_block('2a', n, n.pool1, 64, branch1=True, initial_stride=1)
_resnet_block('2b', n, n.res2a_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('2c', n, n.res2b_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('3a', n, n.res2c_relu, 128, branch1=True)
bottom = n.res3a_relu
for i in xrange(3):
_resnet_block('3b{}'.format(i + 1), n, bottom, 128)
bottom = n['res3b{}_relu'.format(i + 1)]
_resnet_block('4a', n, bottom, 256, branch1=True)
bottom = n.res4a_relu
for i in xrange(22):
_resnet_block('4b{}'.format(i + 1), n, bottom, 256)
bottom = n['res4b{}_relu'.format(i + 1)]
_resnet_block('5a', n, bottom, 512, branch1=True)
_resnet_block('5b', n, n.res5a_relu, 512)
_resnet_block('5c', n, n.res5b_relu, 512)
n.pool5 = L.Pooling(
n.res5c_relu, kernel_size=7, stride=1, pool=P.Pooling.AVE)
def resnet152(n, bottom):
'''ResNet 152 layers.
n.conv1, n.bn_conv1, n.scale_conv1 = _conv_bn_scale(
bottom, 64, bias_term=False, kernel_size=7, pad=3, stride=2)
n.conv1_relu = L.ReLU(n.scale_conv1)
n.pool1 = L.Pooling(
n.conv1_relu, kernel_size=3, stride=2, pool=P.Pooling.MAX)
_resnet_block('2a', n, n.pool1, 64, branch1=True, initial_stride=1)
_resnet_block('2b', n, n.res2a_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('2c', n, n.res2b_relu, 64)
_resnet_block('3a', n, n.res2c_relu, 128, branch1=True)
bottom = n.res3a_relu
for i in xrange(7):
_resnet_block('3b{}'.format(i + 1), n, bottom, 128)
bottom = n['res3b{}_relu'.format(i + 1)]
_resnet_block('4a', n, bottom, 256, branch1=True)
bottom = n.res4a_relu
for i in xrange(35):
_resnet_block('4b{}'.format(i + 1), n, bottom, 256)
bottom = n['res4b{}_relu'.format(i + 1)]
_resnet_block('5a', n, bottom, 512, branch1=True)
_resnet_block('5b', n, n.res5a_relu, 512)
_resnet_block('5c', n, n.res5b_relu, 512)
n.pool5 = L.Pooling(
n.res5c_relu, kernel_size=7, stride=1, pool=P.Pooling.AVE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = caffe.NetSpec() = L.DummyData(shape=[dict(dim=[1, 3, 224, 224])])
n.fc1000 = L.InnerProduct(n.pool5, num_output=1000)
n.prob = L.Softmax(n.fc1000)
with open('tmp.prototxt', 'w') as f:
net = caffe.Net('tmp.prototxt',
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