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Last active February 15, 2024 17:28
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join on fields between convex tables
import { DataModel, Doc, Id, TableNames } from "./_generated/dataModel";
import { GenericDatabaseReader, GenericDatabaseWriter } from "convex/server";
type Database =
| GenericDatabaseReader<DataModel>
| GenericDatabaseWriter<DataModel>;
type DocWithId<
Table extends TableNames,
Relation extends TableNames,
> = Doc<Table> & { [key in `${Relation}Id`]: Id<Relation> };
type Joined<
Table extends TableNames,
Relation extends TableNames,
> = Doc<Table> & {
[key in Relation]: Doc<Relation> | undefined;
function nonNullable<T>(a: T): a is NonNullable<T> {
return a != null;
* Joins two tables on the given field, example:
* // This has { _id: Id<"orgRole">, orgId: Id<"org">, ... }
* const roles = await ctx.db.query("orgRole").collect();
* // This has { _id: Id<"orgRole">, org: Doc<"org"> | undefined, ... }
* const data = await join<"orgRole", "org">(ctx.db, roles, "orgId");
export async function join<
BaseTable extends TableNames = never,
JoinTable extends TableNames = never,
db: Database,
items: DocWithId<BaseTable, JoinTable>[],
field: `${JoinTable}Id`,
): Promise<Joined<BaseTable, JoinTable>[]> {
const ids = new Set( => item[field]));
const docs = await Promise.all(Array.from(ids).map((id) => db.get(id)));
const docMap = new Map(docs.filter(nonNullable).map((doc) => [doc._id, doc]));
const targetField = field.slice(0, -2) as JoinTable;
const result = => {
return {
[targetField]: docMap.get(item[field]),
return result;
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